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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Nursing homes are having STD problems because too many people are taking drugs to start things they can't finish.
  2. So, asking where an image came from equals hand fucking? The plain fact of the matter is that there are simply none of what you describe. Hand fucking is for somebody else to do and that includes people who take drugs to start things they can't finish.
  3. I don't even know where the OP is. Might be in a state I've never been to.
  4. The highest bill I got in twenty years was $185. That was back during a really brutal heat wave that lasted three weeks. Keeping the windows open and running fans wouldn't cut it because the heat came with a lot of humidity and very little wind.
  5. I don't worry about stuff like that. The landlady here pays for the heat, hot water and stove gas. I pay for electricity, but that's not much because I very rarely use the air conditioner and I know how to count kilowatt hours.
  6. How did you know he was homeless? Profiling much?
  7. There's a reason the clown is called, "it". Didn't you see the movie?
  8. Whatever's in NE only has a 0.8 percent chance of being real. It's not real until Fox reports it :it:
  9. Just be mad at the National Enquirer.
  10. Right after I go to Times Square and see one out of every ten women sporting a Godzilla sized butt.
  11. Kim Kardashian will soon resemble the Michelin Man due to a condition called lipedema. Web MD states the conditions affects ten percent of women.
  12. Do you have "Bernadette" on 45? Anyway, what you just posted is the very smartest reply.
  13. Yeah... 24 is like so totally 1980's.
  14. I dunno about that. When apples overwhelm what little meat there is on the Panera version, it's time to find another sandwich maker.
  15. Neither do the eggs until put on the pepper. You're probably looking for more leaves.
  16. Save on your electric bill... just buy a decent pair of bolt cutters.
  17. Gee, I didn't know there was a Panera Bread in Atlantic City.
  18. What grade do you think I'm in? Leave hand fucking to teenagers. When you're my age, sex becomes a very low priority.
  19. Hell, yeah. And fill that cup with Red Bull.
  20. The bleu cheese with this one makes it more interesting.
  21. I have over 200 titles, alphabetized and indexed. Boku no Pico is not there.
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