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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Not at all unusual. I once paid an electrician to install an outlet here so I could run an air conditioner without popping a breaker. Dedicated... one outlet, one breaker, 20 amps.
  2. Then, I'm going to laugh ten years from now when it doesn't come true.
  3. Rush Limbaugh almost went deaf using that. Try to imagine him being a deaf radio commentator.
  4. The biggest one here is 16 cubic feet. The 2.5 hasn't been been removed from the crate yet. I'm selling it. The smallest one holds a six pack and it's plugged in.
  5. Ain't happening.
  6. crab boil? Can you buy that at Panera?
  7. You probably already did click and just don't know what to say. That's the six time the food I mentioned earlier.
  8. I'd have to be smaller than 2.5 cubic feet.
  9. Now I want Ocean Spray
  10. Meaning one slice was all the turkey in it. The rest, rabbit food... on paper thin bread.
  11. shitty? So, just for you, I'm supposed to drag the bigger one out of storage? The one that is still new in its crate? Sorry, I'm selling that one.
  12. or a cow zone. Calzone works too.
  13. There's only one turkey sandwich on Panera's menu that features apple slices in it. What else are you asking for? Anyway, that's not a Panera cup in the link.
  14. Stuffed pizza crust.
  15. This place still has cloth coated copper phone wires.
  16. Well, I did find a web site that explains how it works without a compressor.
  17. https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/k2EuTl91j3ujwHKU3M0Q7Q--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD0zMTU7dz01MDA-/http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3091/2597312009_6281da8436_z.jpg.cf.jpg
  18. Ain't happening
  19. That's just about what they are. They put in so much cheese, it makes the crust soggy.
  20. Oh, and 6ABC covered it too. 6abc.com/society/fans-brave-the-heat-at-ac-beachfest-concert-series/2209953/
  21. I know what you mean. I can eat a pound of gouda in ten minutes.
  22. How about the "Historic" Town of Smithville? It's a strip mall dressed up like old timey cottages. The area does have a few important connections to revolutionary war history, but other than that, it's not the place to go when you're looking for a history lesson.
  23. Somebody called Pink was playing. Who bought tickets? Nobody really had to be on the beach. You could stand on the Boardwalk and hear it all just fine.
  24. It's plugged in and running, it has no compressor and it's keeping my Red Bull icy cold.
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