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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. you crack at case at noon or i dont believe a word of it
  2. yes......im gonna be her main god dam it.
  3. so same as everyday
  4. tell her i said "Sup"...in a mainly way.
  5. Oh come over here I'll make you all kinds of uncomfortable big guy
  6. I need an adult. Oh shit hold on.... I need a better adult!!
  7. Get a cat..dogs are dicks
  8. That's cheating!!!! I want both.....my boobs aren't good enough to get me better jobs...yet
  9. Not all heros wear capes.....but you need one cause capes are fucking awsome!!
  10. I'm only replying cause it's been 4 hours and no one else has.....I feel kinda bad......its cause I care baby
  11. I'm guessing the giant moth?...Godzilla wasn't my thing....power rangers fillef the whole"people in shitty monster costumes fighting" for me.
  12. String theory says otherwise. I don't honestly care......I only know king gidorah cause of that shitty Netflix anime..I was really bored. I couldn't name anyone else besides it and godzilla
  13. Love is love. Stop judging. King gidorah is bae tho. 3 heads...oh yea
  14. Your a cunt do do da do da do
  15. Whores gonna whore. People gotta learn
  16. Why would anyone buy a ticket to that......is she doing a state fair or something? What ever Canada calls them.
  17. How forward of you.
  18. I don't speak dumb ass Do she just admit she's a pedo? Translation anyone?
  19. Xanatos

    It's 6am

    He's wearing shoes. Like a bitch
  20. Weeb? Living in asia and traveling the world makes me a weeb? Can someone explain to this asshat what a weeb is please?
  21. We done see color round these parts
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