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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. There's no such thing as a unisex garment. It's either cut for a guy or cut for a gal. The designer would slap a unisex label on a gal's garment, just to sell more product to more people.
  2. A coffee popsicle. I gotta make some of those.
  3. We elephants never forget the great taste of Herr's potato chips.
  4. If I drink enough kava root and take melatonin, I can have dreams that look like this. No hangover. That's the good part.
  5. It can certainly be transformed.
  6. If you see the janitor dash into a fire exit, follow.
  7. I pick my blueberries.
  8. There are no port a potties. No local business will let you use a rest room without a reservation or credit card. When you see the crowd on TV, the camera angle won't show the hundreds of wooden stanchions that divide the crowd into narrow pens. If you leave your place to use a restroom, you will be placed in a different pen when you return, so don't expect to stay with whoever you brought with you. The rowdy drunks in the crowd will piss, spit, vomit and throw things on you. After the ball has dropped and police begin removing the stanchions, the criminals will begin working the crowd. They watch in advance to see who has expensive jewelry, nice cameras, etc. They follow their selected marks into the subway platforms and in less than an hour after midnight, the police are fielding hundreds of robbery or pickpocket reports. So, watch the ball drop on TV and invite your favorite neighbors, friends and relatives over. That's more fun and less hazardous.
  9. Yeah... What's with this lady, hoarding Joe Biden balloons?
  10. Turn the lights off and binge watch Cops.
  11. Being single means that nobody controls any of your union benefits.
  12. He hasn't been seen in any commercials for Colonial Penn life insurance.
  13. Southgate chilli with beans Hebrew National hot dogs Jack and cheddar cheese (shredded) Mix in bowl, nuke for four minutes. Delicious.
  14. No, not Gomer Pyle. This is a Pyle. Not to be confused with this pile.
  15. It's Old Testament. A Baptist minister would argue that too many parts of the Old Testament were not inspired by the Holy Spirit, but rather by politicians and kings of that era. That's part of why the Old Testament is so short, compared to its predecessor, the Torah.
  16. What's book, chapter and verse on abortion? Old Testament or New?
  17. Orwell sure knew what he was talking about.
  18. They're all great. I'm not picking a favorite. Did you know that "Interview With The Vampire" is different from the movie version?
  19. What's the real argument?
  20. Is that some kind of cactus?
  21. Blubbery, rubbery shrubbery!
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