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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. I can't get technical about it. The selling point is that it uses its own server to mask your ip address and navigate you around tracking done by Google, et al. It also encrypts any password or usernames you use to access banking.
  2. You log into their server before going out to the rest of the web. Virtual private network.
  3. People that aren't superficial.
  4. The very best bar I ever patronized didn't have any of that. People spoke to each other instead.
  5. Three things don't belong in a bar at all Jukebox Tv Pool table
  6. Haven't heard it
  7. No, search result.
  8. Top page
  9. This is how it's done, sonny.
  10. Then, show the whole page. It's easy to crop out the stuff you don't want.
  11. Well, you can also Google cars in trees and get the same result.
  12. If I had one at all...
  13. It's probably just a tree house, now.
  14. Somewhere in the old boards
  15. Does that even work when vpn is in use?
  16. Isn't that why the residue (new solid) is coating the inside of the pipe?
  17. "sublime" also means to instantly vaporize a solid.
  18. They were cracked. Being harder to crack, compared to regular eggs only means that the shells are thicker, not that I struggled to crack them.
  19. Just some nameless guy on a billboard.
  20. Tubi or not Tubi? Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... Wait... I'm getting the slings and arrows, but where the Hell is the outrageous fortune? I want my E ticket back!
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