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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Himegoto #1 to #13 (rewatch | END) Akame ga Kill! #1 (you know it) Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #6 [yeah yeah, no... yeah!]
  2. Oh boy... total suckage retained. I'd like to know how low a marathon would have to rate in order for it to lose money. They could probably get half of these numbers and it'd still be a "success". I ask this mostly because I would be all for the double DBS movie showcase, even though movies seem to only happen on bizarre occasions now.
  3. Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 | Cipher 5... ~Before It's Too Late~
  4. That already aired? I was going to wait until it was available for legal streaming, but I guess they're all really slow on the trigger... not that I wouldn't expect it, of course. Nothing's been said about In Another World With My Smartphone yet. But, on the subject of what Crunchyroll does have... Kenka Bancho Otome -Girl Beats Boys- #11 and #12 (END)
  5. I'm sorry... I don't hyperfocus on "teh gay conspiracy" enough to have ever noticed.
  6. Does it really count as a ratings hit if nobody was watching the Jack reruns to begin with? Also, the influx of Family Guy viewers should cancel out at least some of the unaware peoples.
  7. We don't know if GiTS reruns will continue with Season 2 right away. Maybe they'll rerun something different first. And, for that matter, what happens when Samurai Jack S5's rerun is done? That's basically it outside of arbitrary marathon announcements.
  8. <--- Trailer. Maybe someone who knows things better than me can decipher if those lines are from the test dub or not.
  9. What if it's just a typical rainbow flag without any notable meaning?
  10. Well, that was a decent chip shot. It's for October, so I guess that means it'll replace Tokyo Ghoul. And ironically, AoT's replacement is still unknown.
  11. Kenka Bancho Otome -Girl Beats Boys- #9 and #10 WorldEnd #4 Girls und Panzer #5 [saying we have the moon, so now the stars]
  12. Also, Samurai Jack now airs at 3:30 even starting tonight. I wonder if that airing will have Toonami bumpers.
  13. They probably just needed an excuse to pull them after ratings had been sagging for a while. Heck, seeing that one guy whine over the possibility of not having such an insignificant rerun probably made them relish to pull the trigger. And mustard, too. [we talk too much]
  14. Why would Toonami not get the next season of a show based on a marathon's performance? You're digging holes for goalposts where there don't have to be, buddy.
  15. Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #5 Princess Princess #11 and #12 (END)
  16. Having a "day of rest" from these boards is such a stupid thing. I spread it out amongst the whole week.
  17. Another gloriously middling week, it seems like. But Lupin should be doing better.
  18. Watching the marathon stream to get the Titan fix at a reasonable time is what I'd do.
  19. Is that even a legal thing? Do they just air whatever tapes are available in the back room at-cost?
  20. Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 | Cipher 4... ~Tears are Not Enough~
  21. If they never changed "Rabbot" from a TV-MA from that one time with the pseudo-joke, I guess it's okay for them to dawdle on this. Oh, how I love this hotel computer. It allows me to type coherent sentences again, even though I still have a netbook.
  22. Girls und Panzer #1 to #4 (rewatch) On top of being a coincidence to align with Poke, I also saw the first two episodes during a long car ride to Pennsylvania on Saori's birthday. Basically, this is me trying to be serious for once, because I watched three episodes (while also on vacation, but in Florida), watched the fourth only much later on due to ennui and an annoying punishment dance, and then shelved it.
  23. Princess Princess #10 Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #4 WorldEnd #3 [keep talking]
  24. Yeah. Talking about the ratings is a community fetish, and it often takes priority over discussing the actual shows. Even the Toonami Faithful Podcast dropped their segment about it, and that happened quite a while ago.
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