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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. While you forumgoers shake off the cobwebs from this sudden downtime, I'll let you know that SamJack S5 will be airing at 11:00P. <3
  2. Off the Air: "Words" Kantai Collection #12 (END) [stand by for super chiptunes]
  3. Meh... that ain't bad, really, but it's still meh. At least DBZKFC managed to outrate most of the competition.
  4. Especially not when one of those shows is a Cartoon Network property.
  5. I think I'll just make this the official thread, since new episodes premiere in the next two weeks and there's already a new one now. Here's what I did for "Words"... - ~ - ~ - New episode to close out January slash begin the new month. It airs at 4:00A today and all of this week, but it's already available at the [adult swim] website (a.k.a. where we used to go). My thoughts on it are below.
  6. Yes. And I need to get back to rewatching it.
  7. Says the guy who called for the block's cancellation after the Dragon Ball Super announcement. 8)
  8. There will be protests to protect the most vulnerable people from his agenda. It won't be that bad, but it won't be too good either. And the dictatorship part will only happen if a major American tragedy happens, he declares martial law, and becomes the president for life. And the chances of such happening are non-one hundred.
  9. And so we've made it to the end. The last episode! I hope this one actually encourages you to start watching the series from the beginning. Bakuon!!, Episode 12: "A World of What-ifs!!" (and/or "What-If World!!") State of the Blatch: January 2017 And with that, I rest my case. LATER, motorcycle ladies.
  10. Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Eat a Peach" Kantai Collection #10 and #11
  11. To a point, I agree with that, but the Toonami regulars on the former ASMB and now the UEMB don't seem to want to watch anything new except for what airs on the block.
  12. Is this seriously neccessary? And why does SAO II even need a rewatch to begin with? Instead of reliving these old shows again, you could be searching for fresh new content to consume, much like I do.
  13. Yuri!! on ICE #3 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Whipping Post" [fireworks by Mr. Insane]
  14. And how nice is is that I'm reading the OP while "Roundabout" is playing a Chrome tab. I've been listening to Yes songs for most of the night, actually. It does a lot to warm the cockles of my squishy heart.
  15. Aside from the show's promo using the phrase "You can't spell 'impossible' without 'possible'!".
  16. There's probably a stipulation in the contract about it. They might have done so already if it was allowed via whatever legal junk Toei wanted.
  17. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #3 Yuri!!! on ICE #2 Kantai Collection #9
  18. It's probably the void's punishment for us thinking of 69 as a punchline, since it's "the sex number". It responds by taking away all the good people we love. :
  19. You know, if you have to mention something you disagree with as "alternative facts", you've already lost.
  20. The day after Million Dollar Extreme's show gets uncancelled... by Mnet America.
  21. But I will. And if I don't call my congresspeople about it at least once a week, I probably don't deserve to watch Toonami. Them's the breaks.
  22. In the time that's been freed up due to the death of my preferred entertainment medium, I can fight the construction of damaging oil pipelines. wink
  23. I just think it's more right to care about the fate of the world (regardless of what it currently is) than numbers for a television block.
  24. Why should I even care about the ratings anymore?
  25. BAKUON!! #12 (END) [the binding of Hane]
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