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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Momentary - Jellybean" Re:ZERO #14
  2. Maybe March Madness is precisely why they decided to slot Samurai Jack right here? They know it would do well regardless of where they premiered it on the calendar.
  3. If you've gotten bored with Iron Fist or something, now might be a good time to rewatch it. Or so says the man downstairs.
  4. The Dragon Dentist (full version) #2 (END) Kemono Friends #4 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: 2008 GameTap episodes [though some are currently lost]
  5. For one thing, I just can't pay enough attention at 3:00A to get through GiTS. Thankfully, the DVR my family recently got totally nukes that problem from orbit. If anyone else has the same problem, I know what to do.
  6. OH MY GOD! POLARIZED OPINIONS! HARSH GENERALIZATIONS! EVERYTHING I HATE FROM THIS PLACE IN ONE SHOT! Though, I will say that the use of the classic troll face from Owlchemist is a cool tribute to classic meme culture. I live for that shit.
  7. Uh... this episode is letterboxed? I have to wonder if they're using the HD tape for it and this was a just a technical goof. But no matter what... talk about embarrasing.
  8. The Dragon Dentist (full version) #1 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: 2007 GameTap episodes No BanG Dream! this week, so that sort of messed with my plans to watch it during Toonami. But I guess they're showing a special goodie during the time I would have done so (during Shippuden, of course), so I wouldn't have bothered with it either way. Also, why did I forget to watch the second part of the former today. Thankfully, they're showing it a few more times. -_'
  9. But it ending on a filler arc is about the best thing we could ask for.
  10. Yeah, I know. But it had such a good run, and at least the last episode isn't petulantly annoying Foxy filler... it's just regular filler. With an emphasis on Brook, apparently. Please post your grieving and good wishes for the series and stuff here.
  11. They had news for up until ten minutes into the hour, but the movie is on now. I'm watching it online. It's... certainly pretty interesting.
  12. Well, maybe if they play Stardust Crusaders soon, people will actually be more interested in what's arguably the most important part of the franchise for westerners.
  13. Well, it's now Thursday night, and ProgrammingInsider still doesn't have an article for Saturday up. ShowBuzz updated with Hunter's overall total (569K/0.26, same as Gundam) and I guess the 11:30 DB Super, but nothing else. EDIT: Okay, here we go.
  14. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #6 Kemono Friends #3 Also, shout out to Twitch's ongoing stream of the entire Power Rangers franchise. It's been really cool to be exposed to that show for the first time, through seasons two and three of Mighty Morphin'. At least for me, anyway. [bLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL]
  15. To my knowledge, Naruto fans are very much the silent majority. I don't know how the show still gets views on Toonami every week, but they come out for it.
  16. Well, I get that, but merely doing an average start time for a show won't tell you everything about its performance. You have to take into account some other things, such as the lead-in for Toonami itself, where the block is airing, bad weeks now and then, and other things.
  17. You know, "average start time" is probably one of those things you just made up to seem like a genius when it comes to scheduling. <_> But as for the new lineup... yeah, I'll take it. At least HxH isn't getting sort-of screwed.
  18. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #10
  19. Meh... I'm too busy watching the Power Rangers stream on Twitch.
  20. I didn't really mean it that way. In fact, I'd say the post was equally about FG and Jack. But let me put it this way: This is only the first week, so we shouldn't read too much into these numbers.
  21. Birdy the Mighty: Decode | Cipher 5... ~Another World~
  22. Technically, the 8:00P counts as the premiere, so only that one is listed in the cart. We'll get it with the Programming Insider list, which will also have that preceding hour of Family Guy which I think will do more to tell us how the night did. Here's the way I see it: If the Griffins were strong, that would indicate a lot of casual viewers stayed for Jack but quite a few of them left afterwards, which would not be a very good pattern for the schedule if it continues; if they did weak, it would indicate a bad week in general that only got a boost thanks to the new show, which would certainly make me feel better about it and further prove its strength on the night.
  23. Well, would you look at the time... http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-3-11-2017.html Samurai Jack debuted to 1,552,000 viewers... but DBZ Kai couldn't even break a million? What's up with that?
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