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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. The correct answer is Fievel, and only a monster would disagree.
  2. Skinko


    i'll kill ya :it:
  3. That's a good power move. Especially if you do it with like three hours of karaoke left. So everyone has to follow it.
  4. I'm pretty sure the last song I did was Wrecking Ball, which is equally embarrassing, I think.
  5. Welp, see ya later.
  6. It stopped being fun a long time ago. I just kept doing it because people were actually coming out specifically to see me (which is real weird, but flattering) and I didn't wanna let them down. Point is, I should probably get my rank changed. Not sure what to. I think I wanna keep the pink though.
  7. Best game ever? No. But it probably should be on my list over Terraria, so as much as I hate to say it... good call, Zeni.
  8. Well, duh, we were like 17 years old at the time. Everyone is stupid at that age.
  9. It's not "games," really. Just goofs. Goofs and gags. We would slap each other in the face for the most innocuous shit. Not like a legit SLAP, but like a joke "how dare you" slap. Also, one of our favorite things to do was when someone talked themselves into a corner during a debate. You know in movies or TV when someone puts a finger over the other person's lips and says "Sshhhhh..." Well, we would do that, but instead of a finger to the lips, we would awkwardly run our hands down their face, from forehead to chin. Because it's such a weird thing to do and it's hilarious.
  10. But do we know where Joe Pesci was at the time of his death?
  11. Why is there something wrong with me? I didn't know, that's why I asked. And actually, face touching can be okay in situations other than those specific two. As I pointed out in this exact thread.
  12. Stop being such a niiiiiiiiiiiiiincompoop.
  13. But what if I pop your zits for you?
  14. I get it. Me, I'm definitely not cool with random people touching me at all, much less my face. But now that I think about it, my friends and I had a lot of gags that involved face touching.
  15. Ever, though? I'm talking like, never ever.
  16. I'm pretty sure she didn't even mean without permission, specifically. Just in general type of thing. And the context of the conversation is not for you to know.
  17. A black girl I used to hang out with tried to tell me that was a thing. But I've never, ever heard it from anyone else. Not even as a joke about stereotypes. Has anyone else heard of this? And no, I'm not thinking of the hair. I'm aware of that phenomenon and its racial undertones. This is different.
  18. Put your square peg in my round hole. I mean wut.
  19. This got real meta.
  20. It could be if it so desired. Stop trying to oppress the bus, you racist.
  21. square square square square square square square square square square square
  22. Well, that's just silly. I feel like this is one of those "parallel thinking" things that comedians talk about.
  23. round round round round round round round round round round round round
  24. I suppose you could be drinking Camo Black Ice. They make one that's 12.2% abv. Tastes like horse piss and gasoline. I assume.
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