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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. But I'm pretty sure I still have all the songs memorized, and I could quote along with a good chunk of it. Any movies like that for you? Or TV show quotes and/or theme songs that are just burned deep inside your memory bank?
  2. You didn't ask anything. You made a statement and put a question mark in front of it. That's not how questions work.
  3. Actually, I'm stoked that my mom never tried to live vicariously through me. I'm glad I wasn't one of those poor kids.
  4. Big Willie Style? ::spin::
  5. I think kids can be born with the capacity to learn a lot quicker than others. And if they're really passionate about music, then sure, a little kid can probably turn himself or herself into a decent singer or instrument player, relative to other kids their age. But when I hear a seven year old girl singing like a pitched up Whitney Houston, the only thing I can glean from that is that her parents are putting a huge amount of pressure on her because they have dollar signs in their eyes.
  6. It definitely can be. Revenge is the entire reason Donald Trump ran for and won the Presidency.
  7. Oh yeah, good ol' dad is high as a kite somewhere. Didn't even have to pay child support, God bless him.
  8. Parent. Not parents. One of them escaped before the shit show.
  9. Or anything, for that matter, I'd be willing to bet money that they're that good because their parents push them way too hard. I guarantee you, those kids are not happy in their home lives. Or maybe they seem happy enough, but when they grow up, they'll realize how shitty their parents were, treating them like a meal ticket instead of a child. No one is just naturally incredible at anything when they're eight.
  10. I think I'll go ahead and pass on the ass kissing, and opt for a nap instead.
  11. Not even close. Stuart Little is way hotter.
  12. Fixed.
  13. But Seth MacFarlane.
  14. I can legit see that show going seven full seasons.
  15. That's probably accurate.
  16. Good thing no one in the neighborhood has a chimney. Actually they might. I dunno.
  17. I wouldn't have minded a contact high, but no. I don't much care for the reefer anyway.
  18. Yeah, it kills your bad time, and makes it a good time. :420: :420:
  19. And you certainly can't spell it without mentar. Fun fact: that's not a word.
  20. And you can't spell it without stab. Now c'mere.
  21. And the smell is still stuck in my nose. Damn pot stoners!
  22. I can't upload them here straight from my phone because the file is too big. Ladies.
  23. You'd be surprised. I mean, generally they have the old flip phones, but I only have a smartphone because I got it for free.
  24. I feel like right now, I look better than I've looked in a long time. My beard is thick, but it looks good with my short hair. And I'm thin, but not unhealthy thin. A good thin. Real talk, I might be one of the world's most attractive hobos right now.
  25. Fievel Goes West is a great movie. Real talk.
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