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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. Just drink a lot of water. Your body will hydrate anthing that needs hydrated if it's getting liquid.
  2. I don't think I have anyone in my life right nowthat deosn't have one. So basically there is doggo everywhere I go.
  3. I am the pet and he is the owner. Same with the cats.
  4. He already walks upon my body when he wakes me up to take him outside.
  5. I'll spray them with my fists if they don't learn to behave. That's not true, I would never punch doggos. <.<
  6. Her dog and my dog instigate each other to bark at absolutely nothing. It's really annoying. They bark at shadows and stuff. Also my dog will protect me by sitting on my foot. If I move my foot out from under his butt, he'll sit right back on it.
  7. Uncle Paul and the Frightened Children.
  8. I consider every waking moment to be between naps. And everything I do between naps is so that I will have more time for my next nap.
  9. Pizza muffins.
  10. Skinko


    Before I had roommates, I could basically go a full weekend without even touching clothes. So that's what, two or three days? Nowadays I'm only totally naked when I take a shower. I don't even get naked during sex.
  11. The gas tank is, but the belly tank is still empty.
  12. That reminds me of this.
  13. Storylines? Yes. Promos? No. Macho Man's promos were dope.
  14. To be fair, wrestling storylines have always sucked.
  15. I barely eat at all to begin with. Even when I actually make something, I pick at it, like a bird. I think it might be a side effect of the meds I've taken over the last couple years, because God knows I used to put away food like I was never gonna eat again.
  16. Skinko


    Jack's is alright. I used to buy Totino's, but they stick like fuck to the pan. Jack's doesn't stick hardly at all unless you cook it too long.
  17. I ended up filling my gas tank and buying cigarettes. Then I drove all the way home, sat down and took off my shoes before I realized that I did not pick up any snacks. S: So now I guess I'm gonna sit here and be hungry until I decide to make some real food. And by real food, I mean probably a frozen pizza.
  18. No it isn't. They put him in a storyline where they gave him an illegitimate son. And he's a tall black dude. Wrestling is silly. That said, Kurt isn't above being silly, and he never has been. And he'll make the best of it. My dude actually cried on air when he announced it, so give him props on the acting.
  19. I came as soon as I Heard.
  20. Thankfully, I don't have to fap very often right now. But when I do, it involves a lot of sweating and triceps cramping.
  21. Actually, it evens out, because Im currently sexually active for the first time in a decade. So my dick is kind of in virgin mode because it's been so long. So where I would normally be done in a matter of seconds, I can actually go for a few minutes. Was that too much information? It probably was.
  22. Well, see ya later.
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