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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. But apparently I have some swelling on the left side of my heart. The extra fun part is that I never would've known if I hadn't just been curious about my EKG results and casually asked for them. The best part? It's been swollen since fucking March. Apparently they gave me an EKG in the ER when I was shmammered and heading in for psych issues. I guess the doctors didn't feel like swelling in one of my vital organs wasn't something that I needed to know about.
  2. I will murder Nancy Grace.
  3. I can see how one could find her attractive. Her face is a bit odd for me. Not ugly by any means, just odd. Unconventional, one might say.
  4. That's an understandable one. She's a qt pa2t.
  5. Not gonna lie, I have a little bit of a thing for Lester Holt. I just think he's handsome and I like his voice.
  6. So it turns out the medication I take is actually really cheap. In fact, three months worth only costs me $5 more than one month would. Also, my friend is letting me stay with her until I hear back from the housing people about my own place. So that's cooler than sleeping outside. And I know I posted a thing on Facebook saying this, but I don't remember if I posted it here or not. So I'll say it again. Thank you so much to everyone who sent me money on PayPal. It helped more than you know, and it means the world to me that you would be that kind. Thank you thank you thank you.
  7. That's fair. It was cool just for the spectacle of it, but that's where the value of it ends.
  8. People who don't know boxing thought it was a competitive fight. It really wasn't.
  9. I mean, that'll get you on a few different lists. Most of them, not goid. Lol
  10. See, for me, if a parent was with them, I can at least say, "Okay, they're teaching children to intrude on people with their shitty beliefs, but at least they aren't completely alone talking to strangers." They were completely alone talking to strangers.
  11. I should point out that I was talking about slamming the door as a general thing people might do. I didn't slam a door, as I have no door. They actually tracked me down as I was on my way to an appointment. I can't confirm if they were making stops at houses or not. But I guess doing it out in public is safer? Because people are passing by? Question mark? I dunno. I'd like to give the parents the benefit of the doubt, though no part of this narrative has given me a reason to.
  12. empty[/member] I sent the PM. But let me know if you got it. I had internet trouble while it was sending.
  13. I said less likely, not that it wouldn't happen.
  14. I could, although I think that would just make me a hypocrite. Besides, they're not my kids, and it isn't my place to teach them about how what they're doing is intrusive. At best.
  15. I guess it's less about looking like one, and more about feeling like ones. I can tell an adult that God is fake, to their face, and feel nothing. Not the case with kids. I like kids. And I know they're going to grow up and realize that God is just as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Or they won't. Maybe they will be religious for their entire lives, and when they become adults, and our paths cross again, then I'll be a cunt to them.
  16. Relax there, alpha rapist. They were like 10.
  17. I think the Mormons have realized that people are less likely to tell a child to fuck off. So now they're sending them to pester us instead of doing it themselves, and we have to deal with it, in lieu of slamming the door in a child's face and looking like an asshole.
  18. What if I rewrote the Anchorman script as a comedy?
  19. Well, enjoy having all the other bugs around that it would've eaten.
  20. While wiping your own ass. That really is the benchmark of excellence, I feel.
  21. "Girlfriend" is presumptuous. I don't like putting titles on people or relationships.
  22. I see, thank you for clarifying. I'm actually talking about a house roof. There are a bunch of guys tearing up a roof on a house near where I'm staying.
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