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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. Who is that for? What is the demographic for kids playing sports? It can't be other kids, because generally, kids don't wanna watch kids, they wanna watch the big leaguers, people they idolize and aspire to be when they grow up. And what kind of creepy pedo adult is like, "I know I have 200 channels to choose from, but I want to watch young boys run around"? No one should be watching this, is my point.
  2. Look at this cure, that I just found When I say go, no more chemo!
  3. Don't sweat it, man. It's fine. Take care of your own self first and foremost.
  4. That would serve no purpose, because the problem is my card, not PayPal. Unless they got an AmEx representative on standby, I don't think they will be able to help me. I'll get it sorted.
  5. Okay, I see what the issue is. It's not a PayPal issue, it's a card issue. So I need to have someone help me out with that bit. No big.
  6. Nope, it specifically stated that it would not accept prepaid. And it didn't work when I tried anyway.
  7. Oh, so it has to be put on a card to use? I am confused. But it's cool. Putting it on a card shouldn't be a problem. I was hoping to use my prepaid card but no dice.
  8. Meaning I can pay directly from the app? That's interesting.
  9. And a couple of you were like, "Gosh dammit, link us your PayPal." And I was like "I don't know what that is." But I figured out what it is, and I made a PayPal account. paypal.me/SkilesASMB If you wanna help a guy out, cool. If not, cool. I hope I don't get banned for posting this.
  10. Dude, up until today, I wasn't even sure what PayPal really was. I always assumed it was like a Bitcoin thing or whatever... I am not smrt. Give me a day to get it set up. My access to actual computers is a bit limited at the moment, as you might imagine.
  11. There's a shitty little corner that has them 2 for a quarter. BK has a spicy chicken sandwich for a dollar. It's small but it's tasty.
  12. I can get four ramen and a honey bun with a dollar. Or two honey buns. Or eight ramen. If I'm crazy lucky and I have an extra dime, I could get something from BK's dollar menu. Speaking of fast food, you know where a great place is to find change? On the ground in front of the drive-thru windows. Especially on Fridays. Oddly, Saturday nights are less fruitful than almost every other day of the week.
  13. I have an AmEx prepaid card I got at Walmart. It has six cents on it.
  14. No. I'm never, ever doing that.
  15. I'm pretty sure I just got done saying that I don't have even a dollar.
  16. I don't have either of those things. I'm not even entirely sure what they are. Is it an online non-bank bank account? I guess I could look into it, but we'll see.
  17. Maybe, but the kind of people who would pay for a blowie are not the kind of people I would blow. Especially since I'm not using the money for anything exciting, like meth or heroin. I just want to eat.
  18. That would be great. Also, I can stretch the fuck out of a dollar. But I literally can not procure one single dollar.
  19. I feel like I might have done that backwards.
  20. They often say that comedy + hunger = time
  21. When you're homeless and between jobs. :barf:
  22. One time, Drunk Skiles posted a thread telling people to post their social security numbers. I don't remember if I actually posted mine, but for Drunk Skiles, it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
  23. Hello, we're the internet, nice to meet you.
  24. Right, so let's get shmammered and play video games until the bomb drops, or the zombies come, or whatever kills us.
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