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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. The Fentanyl is doing wonders for me, let me tell ya.
  2. When and where I mochibate is my business, and I'll thank you to butt out. Get it? Butt? Because I'm constipated.
  3. Hens can be whatever they want, dude. Quit trying to hold them back.
  5. He was old when this world was new.
  6. Neat. You're basically famous by proxy now.
  7. Well, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I don't wanna fuck the Laughing Cow cow.
  8. That yelled about money in those commercials? I wonder what he's up to these days.
  9. Psssh, I've been self-destructing since I was eight years old.
  10. That's understandable, man, but think how bananas you'd be.
  11. Skinko


    Everybody clap your cunts!
  12. I have a buddy that's taking the Chester Bennington thing pretty hard, which is what inspired this thread. Personally, I felt nothing about him personally, but there have been famous people who I connected with or understood on a completely different level that when they died, I legitimately felt a sense of loss. You'll often hear people who are now in their late 30s say they felt that way about Kurt Cobain, because they felt as though he was a voice for them when they felt voiceless. To give a personal example, I was incredibly sad when George Carlin passed away. My admiration for him went beyond thinking he was a funny comic. He influenced my way of thinking on a real level. I based a lot of my life philosophy on what I learned from him. So when he passed away, it kinda felt like a father figure dying.
  13. I guess it could be. That said, I don't have staple-induced chest dimples, but I had my open-heart surgery as a babby, so maybe they went away. Either way, fuck you for considering heart complications to be a turn-off. You stuck-up bitch. (I'm totally kidding, obviously. )
  14. DUDE, if they remade the entire show Prison Break, but only with dogs, that would be amazing.
  15. Them hoes love a good compliment.
  16. So rite, amirite?
  17. Ha ha, oh man.
  18. Bitches always be shoppin'! Amirite, you guys?
  19. Well, unless you're Andre the Giant, I don't think you're supposed to be drinking a gallon and a half of water.
  20. Well, fuck you then. Nah, I'm kidding. But seriously, over-hydration is a thing too. you're probably overloading your body and it's like, "Holy shit, we gotta get this excess water outta here." So you end up peeing all of it out. I don't know if that's actually a thing. I'm not a doctor. I just play one on the internet.
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