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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. You could've spent significantly less money on a small stool to put your feet on.
  2. Will I make chirpy noises like a cricket?
  3. That's an unnecessary product. Just straighten up and your poops will flow like the Niagara Falls.
  4. You gonna sit up straight, so your innards open up more. Give that poo a nice, clear pathway.
  5. But I'll deal with that, with a smile on my face, before I support anything that douche Sona made. Connection problems? You got it, UE. I'll wait. Take your sweet time.
  6. All I know is that Viper/Sona is a level of douchebag I've never encountered in my life. I'm not even mad at him, just impressed that that much douchebaggery can be contained in one awful, ear-gauge having body.
  7. I was hoping there was a "Legend of Zonda" parody thing, but I couldn't find one, so I decided to post this instead.
  8. Are there legit flat-earthers here? I mean, we're all a bunch of weirdos, always have been. But that's a level of crazy I wouldn't expect here.
  9. That's a ridiculous thing to not realize you have with you.
  10. Skinko

    Post your bays

  11. What if you farted and a spider came out of your butt?
  12. You could have just said "My cousin went viral." That would've sufficed.
  13. Let's just say it's definitely a place for my art, but the "paint" I use is questionable.
  14. Well, we had a good run. I think.
  15. The basement is reserved only for the most sensual masturbation sessions.
  16. That's probably a valid and reasonable assumption to make based on a message board. Besides, I jerk off to ebony porn all the time. :fap:
  17. That's what people call their homeboys, right? It probably is. <. <
  18. Dude, I'm going lit like an oil lamp, yo! Haha, yeah! I'm still down with the day's hip slang.
  19. Well, they are the only ones capable of handling the responsibility that comes with enormous wealth.
  20. And just start wildly masturbating? Oh man, the fun I have in public.
  21. I'm "getting ham," as the kids say.
  22. I don't "try them out" anywhere. Generally, if I think up some stupid joke, I'll post it in both places because a lot of people on my Facebook don't come here.
  23. Oh sure, everyone says age is just a number, but you fuck ONE 6 year old, and suddenly you're a registered sex offender.
  24. Well, bummer. But again, to reiterate, you are not normal. Just medicated. I may be on medication, but I still have schizoaffective disorder.
  25. Your loss, bee-otch.
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