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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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Everything posted by Dr. MrsGirlfriend

  1. The box was empty, otherwise she probably would have.
  2. Supposed to be getting lots of stuff done around the house today.... This is our day instead...
  3. Yeah, except I didn't realize what was going on at first and so I was a total pain about it. We were supposed to be going somewhere and he was trying to get me to chill and wait so he could ask. Ends up the going somewhere was just a trick; I just kept being crabby and telling him we needed to go.
  4. Yeah.... I barely know you people so this means not a whole lot.
  5. When his hair is shorter his curly hair hides it better. Longer tends to part and accentuate thinning parts.
  6. Blame Sponges for my reappearance. In the meantime tell me everything I missed.
  7. In my defense, it is not an issue. I was using it as a bargaining chip to convince him that he needed a haircut. The beard has grown a mind of it's own and he won't let me trim it to clean it up a bit.
  8. Sponges is currently incapacitated to bed and bathroom. He hopefully had a good bday. Ended up getting a $120.00+ dinner free last night so he made the most of it with drinks. Happy start to your last year of 20s.
  9. Sponges doesn't know what he's talking about. It is clearly a Yeti. Snow monkeys don't have bad ass mustaches like this dude. Almost looks weirdly like Wilford Brimley.... Oh man, is Wilfrod Brimley a yeti?
  10. Alright, this needs to be settled.... Is this meant to be a Yeti or a snow monkey? Who's side are you on?
  11. Try WI, predicted at a total of around 31" by tomorrow morning. Winds creating massive drifts. This fence is 6ft high, and it is still coming down like crazy.
  12. *insert "cheesy" promotional video*
  13. I work with more than just the Olympic curling team, all of curling really. But the team's that are there are pretty fun.
  14. Review @SwimModSponges fan fiction so I can stop hearing him complaint about how you haven't.... Seriously... Just do it
  15. I call them "ihatealmosteveryoneiamsotemptedtobuyapacktoavoidmurder"
  16. Sanity sticks... or at least how I felt about them when I still smoked.
  17. Wow, I'm surprised... I thought there'd be more references to dinosaur porn...
  18. I'm only partially countable...
  19. *enter mushy gf stuff* What do you think would be the perfect gift for Sponges?
  20. Samsung 850 EVO 500gb ssd, 4gb RAM stick to replace the damaged one that caused the infinite looping. Also Shadow of War should be all installed and ready to go. Conned my IT Tech cousin into getting it all pretty for him again, all I had to do was order parts. Happy birthday/anniversary Sponges.
  21. A friend works for a wildlife rehabilitation center. I guess foxes in a house will tear your shit up and pre everywhere. They would need to be mostly outside dogs if you got one of those tamed one. She also shot down the fact that she had 3 baby raccoons and I wanted one. Psh...
  22. He keeps saying boxer.... He's drunk. We adopted her and all they stated was mixed. She's 3/4 months old. Dog savvy friends & family think terrier/Chihuahua and maybe a lil bit of pit. She pretty much looks like a mini pit with giant bat ears.
  23. No one takin my doggo. I will cut you.
  24. Well that wasn't entertaining enough, try again.
  25. I've missed dicks? Ummm do you know who I live with? No chance to miss them around here.
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