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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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Everything posted by Dr. MrsGirlfriend

  1. I need a drink.... Snapchat-1241937004.mp4
  2. The pets really like you as a pillow...
  3. It will hopefully be pretty awesome. I want it to be like a big backyard party, I try to describe it as like Bilbo's birthday but not everyone gets that. Caterer has like a trailer of grills for bbq, big fire pit, yard games, karaoke and dancing. For dessert having pies and a build your own caramel apple station. All taking place at my parents horse farm along their small orchard and some big tents. Just gotta deal with lots of people. I have a HUGE family and we are..... well we've been described as "mafia-esque" before....
  4. When have I ever said no to a dragon statue?
  5. There has actually been random discussions about invites for boards people....
  6. Well maybe if someone would quit fucking breaking all the ceramic dishes we wouldn't need another set. I feel like I need to fact check you on here sometimes....
  7. After about an hour or 2 of her tapping and nipping at me to pet her while I'm trying to work. She's a lil bitch but I love her.
  8. Meh, it has taken some adjusting but not terrible. Downsides: No real home/work separation to destress. Feeling like it never ends Upsides: I get to play any music as loud as I want. I also can fuck off and check my phone at random times and not get caught.
  9. A few comments: 1. Sponges has been busting just as much as me. He just never gives himself enough credit. 2. Pictures of pupper doggos are always a perfect reward. 3. My coworkers have been trying to plan out a virtual happy hour soon and I've been trying to convince Sponges to join the call in his predator mask to scare all the old bitties in other financial departments. 4. No fake pandemic otherwise idk why I'm busting ass trying to shuffle around a budget to save a university's ass from a 13.5mil revenue loss from everything. 5. I am surprised he hasn't done the Wild Bill dance in the background of any of my calls yet. 6. The doggo tried to join my important call with the college Deans and it was hilarious. 7. Bucket is a loser and I have promised Sponges an extra bj just to spite him.
  10. From bursting out laughing when he woke himself up snoring 10min later saying "I'm gonna get cooking dinner before I fall asleep" Good thinking babe.... glad you were thinking ahead...
  11. Actually you did in the middle of the night as well. So 3 pukefests in total.
  12. Our house is like death this morning.... ugh Sponges couldn't even take the dog out this morning without barfing.
  13. Well time to make it official official... Name change to DrMrsGirlfriend please.
  14. Yeah, am I allowed to change my name on here or do I need to get banned first and start all over?
  15. Oh don't worry, you would love some of the photos/videos I have of this man.
  16. I do like the Egyptian gods, but also the Norse and Celtic as well. Sponges forgets that prior to becoming an accountant I majored in history and religious studies. Sadly, not much of a job market for museum work.
  17. Sadly she is not allowed at the courthouse or restaurant but you can bet that she is more than likely going to get some of our leftovers. Plus she gets both of us on vacation for the whole week. Walks, car rides and snuggles all day.
  18. Thankfully this is just courthouse and dinner with the fam. No pant dangers hopefully.
  19. I hope so, @SwimModSponges you know to be there right?
  20. So... I'm getting married in 9 days..... Holy shit
  21. Haha more so it meant I had to give up the computer and my game. It scared me even more to see him walking in 4 hours early with a case of beer. My instant freakout was "fuck he got fired".
  22. Scared the crap outta me to see him suddenly pull in the driveway.
  23. I get up to pee in the middle of the night and looks like someone decided to kick me out.
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