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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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Everything posted by Dr. MrsGirlfriend

  1. Tell me what I missed....
  2. Gogo is my spirit animal
  3. Whatever floats your boat...
  4. No, not everyone's. Only if you filed for EITC or ACTC, both tax credits, and filed early. This same act is the reason I had to bust my ass and process over $4 mil of 1099's by January 31st. This is all because of people cheating on their taxes. As a business we used to be able to report until end of February but then when people would file early it was hard to verify against employer records. So now instead of just W-2s needing to be mailed out by January 31 st, a business must also report any 1099 s as well. The IRS placed a hold on refunds until the 1 5th to have time to get an employers documentation to confirm what you have reported to catch more cheaters. Anyone who files after the hold date will be fine.
  5. Leave it to the accountant to not have her taxes done yet. I started them, haven't finished yet. Got Sponges taxes done a few weeks ago. I've been procrastinating on mine due to the amount of accounting I'm already doing for my last semester. Spent the past 2 months processing the taxes for the law office I work for, my one boss is an idiot and kept bothering me since it was my first year doing it for them. She likes to talk like she knows everything and would keep coming up and trying to "teach" me. I constantly had to stop and very nicely correct her and explain how things are actually done, and nicely remind her why she does not touch the taxes. I fucking hate tax season... *PS. there was no delay for child claims unless your record is in question, I would maybe stop cheating and they would take less time having to go over yours with a fine tooth comb. If not I can guarantee you you will eventually get audited.
  6. It's not that I think he'll care I know he doesn't. With any relationship you need to have some things separate for sanity's sake. It's like hanging out with the guys, I see you all as "his guys". Also I will always promote his fanfictions, they're hilarious.
  7. I don't plan on fully being back. This is Sponges thing and outlet so I don't really like to intrude on that too much. I do like to pop in from time to time when I'm bored and like now avoiding my homework. I just prefer reading the political rants instead of being told them.
  8. Been super sick here as well, going through my office like wildfire. Thankfully Sponges has the immune system of a demi-god and hasn't gotten it yet. Made my favorite "sick soup" yesterday as well, spicy chicken tortilla soup. Clears the sinuses right up.... well for a few hours at least. Mine is starting to settle in my chest now so I imagine I will be seeing creatures in the near future.
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