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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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Everything posted by Dr. MrsGirlfriend

  1. Oh I've already begun looking for another one to add to the bunch. Sponges just keeps saying we aren't ready yet.
  2. Yes that's right I called them my children...
  3. Storms over, power still out tho.
  4. Here comes round 2. Radar map looks like this line sorta split: streak of red swinging through, dash of green for a bit, then a yellow chaser.
  5. Eh, it's just a storm. Not like I'm a 13 year old at a trump beauty pageant.
  6. Across the street:
  7. Doggo is good, weather radar says we're in a big clear spot with another smaller storm on the way in like an hour or so. I just hope the power comes back soon, I've got nowhere to put my freezer/fridge food if it start to thaw.
  8. Phone has 4% battery so I'm on the womans.
  9. Quarterly visit here, tell me what I missed this time.
  10. Haha, he's actually pretty lucky I saw it today of all days. Plus he basically just gave it to me as a congrats gift. Got confirmed for a new job today, making a bunch more $$$. He's also pretty damn good with picking out gifts.
  11. Oh.... @SwimModSponges just got his talkin to.... In other news I got my birthday present early! Haha.
  12. Har har.... Altho come to think of it, you never really argue with me when there's a needle in my hand.
  13. Easily find diy videos on YouTube. It is pretty easy if you use an already made frame though. I'm currently hand sewing new curtains for our dining room. My sewing machine took a shit so this is what I do while I watch tv now.
  14. The house has wood siding currently and in a hideous salmon color. I am hoping to do new siding in next 5 years and do the kind that lays and looks like wood siding still. I just absolutely hate the color.
  15. Oh it totally is, it is just a task trying to not have it flooded. Looking into seeing if our city allows french drains as that would likely help but still keep the soil.
  16. Ours are mostly pretty decent. Right next door are some...interesting people. Nice, just reeeeeal interesting. I bought new basement windows in oct/nov. Still haven't put them in though.
  17. Can I hire you?
  18. I usually just find one cheap at thrift in the size and shape I want and then just use the framing and apply my own fabric choice. I hand sew so I usually do that but can be easily done with glue gun.
  19. I've done a lot of stuff, just in my head with imaginary money. In all seriousness, we haven't done much to outside as we are getting more large stuff done first. New garage, fencing the yard, and widening the end of driveway. So I don't plan on doing much until that is all finished. Driveway is this summer thankfully.
  20. Pretty big Except we are near a nature reserve/low land so lots of flooding in spring and large storms.
  21. Exact same state our landscaping is in.
  22. Sponges and I bought/inherited a pretty large house from my family. Great great..... grandpa built it 117 years ago. It is always sold to someone in the family just at a pretty decent price. While I love that we got our first and last home right away it does seem like a lot of house for the 2 of us sometimes. I'm gonna fill it with pets.
  23. Fuck em, do it anyway. Also I am still waiting on the photos.
  24. That lamp was too tall and is awaiting a new spot in the house. I have to make a lampshade to match the decor in another room. Just haven't gotten there yet, but thanks for the opinion mom.
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