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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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Everything posted by Dr. MrsGirlfriend

  1. I asked what was new....
  2. So tell me what I missed...
  3. Snow White I can't remember exactly which one I saw first in theatres but I know I saw quite a few of them as my mom and my aunt liked to ditch my cousin and I off at the theatre alone damn near every other Sunday. But it was great cuz no one was usually there so we'd have the theatre to ourselves as kids.
  4. I really want an adorable lil trash panda but I'd settle for a dog.
  5. That I would for sure be okay with. I don't know how we would get a permit for that shit right in town tho.
  6. Enough with the goddamn crickets! First it was lobsters and now it's crickets, what's next?
  7. Good Girlfriend Response: "You really should read his fan fictions"
  8. Nah, Sponges, can't picture him as a Thor. He did get excited a while back when I had a few gray hairs appear where Rogue's white chunk of hair is and was hoping I'd end up with one. So maybe he's the Succubus, or (is it Incubus for guys?) Can't remember.
  9. Nope, dinosaur porn is all him. The fact that he tells me his ideas and I still have sex with him is more than enough for me.
  10. Since I let him post to you people after taking his virginity I get to steal his news, it's only fair... We are.... Buying a house. Did you think I was going to say baby? HA! Hell no. Could you even imagine a little Sponges?
  11. 2 nights ago we had the windows open and fans going because of the humidity. This morning/ afternoon, snowing like crazy. WTF WI?
  12. Haha I'm not
  13. Your favorite person blocked me because sarcasm is baaaaaad.
  14. The true question... what kind of vodka? That matters greatly
  15. Causes: the inability to comprehend sarcasm and sandy vaginas I feel like this is a milestone. Should I be celebrating?
  16. Wow.... it's called sarcasm.
  17. Husky...maaaaaaybe Lab... absolutely not
  18. Well seeing as this is an online forum you won't be seeing him. Plus I know it's not going to happen as we have other major financial things coming in the near future. Plus I want a big dog and he's used to little/medium dogs.
  19. Should never buy a ring if that line is thin.
  20. Now why would you go and do a thing like that? The ring I mean... not the shit. Shit is much more reasonable than a ring.
  21. 3 weeks from graduating with double majors. Job hunting for something fancy shmancy. We're moving soon so starting to pack and purge. Other than that... just Sponges weird antics, which have quite grown on me. Trying to convince him to get me a puppy for my birthday... but he's being a stick in the mud.
  22. Well I see nothing has changed here...
  23. Then why do you all keep coming back?
  24. Well I do not know of Ben, and I have thankfully never spoken with Zenni or Tic but from what I hear it is to be expected.
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