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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Attack on Titan-Seriously a mind fuck and a great manga at this point. Just keeps getting better and better.
  2. There. There bear. There castle.
  3. All I can think of right now is History Of The World Part 1 when the one French resistance leader pierces her boob and it sounds like air being let our of a tire.
  4. Only time will tell
  5. Not having a preference is good. Although now im curious what would make you like one over the other?
  6. Ok, now I have to ask what kind of personality in boobs do you like?
  7. Really depends on the active topics and if people are around to reply when I am. Doesnt really help the +1 count when it takes 2 hours for a reply.
  8. Simple question, which boob is best? Left or Right?
  9. You have to rank up to get that feature Im still working on getting to that point.
  10. Been having connection issues all day Not sure what the problem is but its not just you
  11. Not sure if it was intentional or not but Im having serious connection issues with the boards. The unevenedge.imfapp.in page isn’t working unevenedge.imfapp.in is currently unable to handle this request. As well as being told that the website is offline.
  12. Lol autocorrect!
  13. Thats a smart idea
  14. All Hail Fluffy! IMO the best comedian around right now. His humor is great and his delivery is even better. ALL HAIL FLUFFY!
  15. [as] has so many problems right now its sorta scary. Their feud with Women is just a part of their problems. I might be alone here but I dont think [as] has any really huge hits, apart from R&M, that have pierced the mainstream lately. ATHF and Robot Chicken moved [as] outside of a cult following, R&M has done the same. But has anything else? Its like [as] is trying to double down on being this strange eclectic entity that only wants to make shows for a very small market.
  16. And so it begins.........again.......
  17. So I copied the results from ASMB so far if anyone wants to keep playing. I guess we can try to keep this going for those of us who make our way over here. Thanks Conanwong and Jingai to get it this far. Leaderboard (temp.) updated 11-01-16 wasn't sure on how to score the tie games so, i gave out points for them. and i think this is about as accurate as my math goes, any questions on them points, refer to the first page to compare your current scores here. Zenigundam - 80 Conanwong - 76 Perfectflowinghair - 69 Master_debater - 72 Shivanwurm - 69 Scoob- 71 Egreslive - 61 - no picks last week 1pooh4u - 69 Starpanda - 67 Internet - 67 Vicodines- 66 Jingai - 64 Gammenon - 66 Quebecelegy - 10 - N/A Cowboy_Viperslayer - 1 - N/A WEEK 09 PICKS Thursday Night Falcons vs Buccaneers Sunday (Noon) Lions vs Vikings Steelers vs Ravens Jets vs Dolphins Cowboys vs Browns Jaguars vs Chiefs Eagles vs Giants Sunday (late afternoon) Panthers vs Rams Saints vs 49ers Titans vs Chargers Colts vs Packers Sunday Night Broncos vs Raiders Monday Night Bills vs Seahawks Note: if you already posted your picks in the other thread on the old forums then you dont have to worry about posting your picks again. Although that would be nice
  18. Wheres the damn Kudo button? Because I want to Kudo this.
  19. Big win for the Avs to get us back to .500 Hockey. 1-0 over the Mild.
  20. Yes everyone Hockey is back! Well, its been back a while but these boards havent. The NHL is back! And better than ever with the Habs losing 10-0 to the Blue Jackets! So for all your NHL needs, this is the thread!
  21. Nope, not just you. Only thing I can think is that our rank doesnt have that permission.
  22. Well fine then! Dont be helpful! Be a Nelson!
  23. Well thats not nice
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