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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Thats way to much effort just to see snow
  2. zombie boobs
  3. Viper didnt win shit! This aint over! Its never over!!! ......what are we talking about?
  4. Well thats no good You need seasons! Just being stuck in summer all the time sucks!
  5. Ice Rain is easy to deal with same with Snow, although it can be a pain in teh ass. Theres no good way to deal with ice. That stuff just sucks.
  6. All the time ;D
  7. Colorado! Im just on the edge of a storm warning. They were saying it wasnt supposed to snow until tonight but its been snowing for a few hours. Guess they missed lol
  8. Its snowing hard o_o
  9. LOL Where to even start.........
  10. Remember when NSFW meant you would get to see at least a nipple? Pepridge Farm remembers.
  11. Yesterday it was 80 Today its snowing
  12. Ive always wondered this to The people from LA that I know are not exactly fast..........
  13. Screw that! Im sick of running into things.
  14. Yea thats not helpful I need to know when Im about to screw up......so I can film it ;D
  15. Ima go with no
  16. Purple is forevermore known as Radioactive Grape Juice Love it
  17. You suck, and so does your thread 8)
  18. Master-Debater131


    Should join me on giving up and just sitting back and watching everything burn Life is so much more enjoyable when you just dont give a fuck ;D
  19. Get? You give me so little credit..........
  20. But I dont wanna
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