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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. That's the list of Skiles
  2. My body is shaking Anticipating The call of the black footed crow "Pictures of Home" by Deep Purple That line just randomly popped in my head in the middle of the night yesterday ;D
  3. That happened to me last night I couldn't fall back to sleep until I finally figured out the name of the song that was in my head
  4. Not that anyone cares but I'm checking in
  5. Wow as if this day couldn't get any worse :'(
  6. I guess it's not a bad consolation after being passed over for a promotion.
  7. Yep nothing but misery outside :-\
  8. The Vegas Golden Knights trademark has been rejected. Apparently there's a college team called the Saint Rose Golden Knights ;D
  9. Like it matters anymore
  10. Doubt if anyone remembers my old username.
  11. Not the first time nor will it be the last time. Hopefully I'll find a diamond in all that coal I'll be receiving.
  12. Yeah sure why not it's not that I have anything else better to do. Hey maybe we can spend our date finding me a new dryer
  13. All of the above
  14. Kudasai


    Never had it before. Is it any good?
  15. First sensible thing someone has said to me all day +1
  16. Life has it out for me
  17. For some unknown reason Rowlf been my favorite
  18. If I believed in God I'd swear that the motherfucker has it out for me
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