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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. So when will the beating commence?
  2. Of course they are
  3. I can provide plenty
  4. Oh damn and I was about to volunteer myself :'(
  5. Quiet Bug Zapper!
  6. The one I have is caramel latte and indeed it smells amazing
  7. Can't believe that these actually exists and I managed to get my hands on one ;D
  8. Better than what I'm currently stuck with
  9. Someone else's name
  10. All that's left is my resentment
  11. Didn't realize that these were basically the same song
  12. The only thing that died today was my dignity
  13. Family, can't live with them, can't blast them into another dimension
  14. The intersection where it happened for some crazy reason has a lot of accidents so it's nothing new
  15. I pretty much did that after I found out that no one was dead
  16. It looked pretty nasty but no one was hurt however I'm going to guess that neither driver had insurance as they didn't stick around for the cops.
  17. I actually feel sorry for my bosses because it's not their fault they were born retarded.
  18. My boss just bitched me out for something I didn't do. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Talk about a clusterfuck of a morning. Too bad I can't push the reset button
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