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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. I'm also thankful that I got the fuck out of work early today ;D
  2. Except for Kudasai that guy is such a cunt
  3. I'm thankful for that I'm on produce duty today and I don't have to deal with the hysteria of last minute shoppers ;D
  4. Vegas finally has a name, The Golden Knights
  5. -1
  6. I'll be fine but it's the six rookies I work with I'm worried about
  7. Yes I clamp my speaker right in the middle of it
  8. Poor Phillies
  9. Post random song lyrics in this thread
  10. bawk bawk!
  11. Lies!
  12. Getting ready the Disney classic 101 Dalmatians
  13. If you work in retail then you know that this week is your worse nightmare come to life *cues the music*
  14. Pics or it didn't happen
  15. That's nice, thanks for sharing
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