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Mode 7
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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. I only watch El Ray for Lucha Underground ;D
  2. I finally decided to open up my gifts and what I got was yet another ugly ass sweater, a leather backpack which I don't need and a Detroit Red Wings jersey (+1 for father)
  3. Oh come on :'(
  4. Now that's the right attitude
  5. Sounds like someone wants in
  6. Oh please, nothing of value was lost
  7. Peace and quiet as everyone has left to go brunch and I have the house all to myself
  8. Right now the only thing I got is peace and quiet ;D
  9. I don't know. I've yet to open any gifts (if I got any)
  10. A little late to the party are we?
  11. ;D
  12. pucker up!
  13. You woke up this morning
  14. It's even worse when you're on a bike and so far I've fallen 3 times. Twice this week.
  15. Want mine? He's outlived his usefulness to me.
  16. None, especially since I'm accident prone
  17. probably the same idiots who designed the new ASMB boards
  18. Was that when you caught the clap from Miku-chan?
  19. Bottoms up. Get drunk for the both of us
  20. I have plenty so I'll give you one of mine
  21. All I want for Christmas is to be left the hell alone
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