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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. It's fucking garlic bread, I'm okay without it having bacon this once.
  2. I'll eat it. Give it to me.
  3. Look at my sig, then back to what you typed. Then back to my sig.
  4. Wow....really? You FINALLY find out what that word means, and when you lose a mental battle with someone, you run away screaming it like a defeated 4 year old screams "NUH UH! YOU'RE STUPID!" to someone.
  5. Yeah, you should. It's a great indicator of quality control, and customer service. Also, old article is OOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLD ASS article.
  6. .....................Please.....after Breakfast-Chan.....no more meat curtains, please.
  7. So......you'd INTENTIONALLY ruin the experience for people on your forums? Simply because you run them? Hmmm..........no wonder you never got more than 20 people signed up for your forums. They know what kind of bullshit that is. There's also a reason I wouldn't help you that much either.
  8. Meh. I'm over them.
  9. I say Creature. It's up to science to say otherwise.
  10. Lamenting the fact he go more pussy than you when he was near death?
  11. Interesting. I forgot about that event.
  12. Sorry. The fact that you guys freaked the fuck out over DOING SOMETHING YOURSELVES that most of us already do just fucking tickles me. Fuck, in Texas, if there's full service station, you're lucky to be alive in it, because we pump our own fucking gas.
  13. The thing is, once we see something as sentient, we no longer see it as just a robot, but as a creature.
  14. "Healthy person" is a spectrum, which is why you see it continue past it a little bit. If it passes the Turing Test.....then it's human.
  15. As someone who edits audio and video, yeah, I'd say I do. And real sex dolls is where my line for the uncanny valley is.
  16. Yeah.......get used to that.
  17. .................That's probably because you look like rapey dorm mate in the hall.
  18. Pffffft. Lucky. I wish I had that luxury.
  19. Yeah. Logan Paul has been doing stupid bullshit for a while. About time people catch on that he's a fucking asshat.
  20. ............Had a falling out? You simply come to your fucking senses?
  21. Do you KNOW what the uncanny valley is? The concept of the uncanny valley suggests that humanoid objects which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit uncanny, or strangely familiar, feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers.
  22. Nothing is wrong. That is the uncanny valley, though.
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