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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Thanks. Right in the feels.
  2. I'm down with the Gaga. She did good in AHS Hotel.
  3. ...........She probably got it from you......you know you never wash your fucking hands. i'm sure she doesn't, either.
  4. lupin_bebop


  5. I blame the kid's table at work.
  6. K
  7. That's what a fucking calendar is for. You know....you have one on your cell phone, your computer, and just about any electronic device.
  8. So......basically..... A Class in Hoebag 101?
  9. Or you’re just socially awkward.
  10. Ha.
  11. Yeah.......don’t need to hear about your next STD
  12. Good. Don't want another accident like her.
  13. Pics or it didn't happen.
  14. Not bullying him. Just hazing.
  15. Such fuckery. It's entertaining to me. I laugh like Davey in Eight Crazy Nights every time those fuckers get banned.
  16. I'm just blunt. If you take it as meanness, then I say adjust your delicate sensibilities, get a couple of 2-by-4s, lay them down to build a bridge, and get over it.
  17. I take hot showers all the time. Sack up.
  18. No. More like.....really thin....kinda gross
  19. Kinda like Brittany Spears.
  20. Happens all the time. She's not special.
  21. This is what I normally look at everyday.
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