Hmmmm.......this sounds familiar, but not......then again, I can't get Ravie to open up sometimes, even though we've known each other a long time. Oh well, friends in the end and all.
1. Sony will not white knight ban you. They WILL ban you for flaming and user stalking.
2. What’s wrong with girls? They like their organs inside their bodies, not in jars or wherever you’d put them after slaughter.
As long as you realize your mistake and admit to it, then good. I hope you understand that.
I didn't care, but she did.
And yes, we do need to play. I'm really rusty, but I'm picking it back up.
Nope, we aren't. I'm surprised, too, because I wanted to play Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite with you, but could never figure out the PS messaging system very well until recently.