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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Man I just ate a foot long chimichanga. >_>
  2. Who's this Volkswagon guy I think I want to get to the bottom of this too
  3. You don't have me on facebook man.. Not sure I'd ever want to own a volkswagon creation anyway... MAybe that icnic hippie van.. but even then lol. I think that thing still sells for more than I'd give for it.
  4. Im not really a gear head man. Was that an old convertable mustang though? I've had one before.
  5. no thanks lol.
  6. I dont got one of those right now thankfully.
  7. [move] what does this do?[/move]
  8. Mines bigger.
  9. PhilosipherStoned


    me to honeslty. Who doesnt atleast thibnk they are a webmaster these days anyway?
  10. Well if you are anything tlike me a job with that kind of wage is good for only one thing.. Keeping you afloat while you search for something better, or do some souls searching. I have to work tomorrow night maybe.. I didn't even have an interview for this bs, but frankly I've been overqualified for it for years.
  11. Hmm. I see well that was kind of enlightening. Stuff like this is probably why little girls grow up to become so frightening.. **joke** heh..
  12. what am I lookin' at?
  13. So I take it that other guy was really being a cunt? IDK.
  14. I guess.. This thing runs so slow.
  15. I don't like the $8 dollar an hour job I'm currently doing. wait it might be less.. Oh well.. I see good things in my future.
  16. Just another glorious day..
  17. I need to find somoen trustworthy to trade pokemon with to evolve. Well I really just want to evolve a mamgmar and it's the only way... Magmortar's duck face is so fucking bad in new gen sprite though.. I"m gonna end up using salazzle anyway I've just been trying to wait until I can breed it to have perfect IV's. EV training has been pretty time consuming.
  18. That damn battle tree is frustrating. Will someone please tell me how dark type pokemon being weak to fucking bug type pokemon makes since?
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