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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. lol... It shouldn't matter how old it is. If you dump the whole can on him I'm sure he'll cry. Word of advice.. Avoid spraying it indoors if you can.
  2. get some pepper spray/
  3. I feel bad for it.
  4. no but it has been well-used by me. The guy I bought it from took WAY better care of it.
  5. Neither could I usually if I remember correctly, but I only ever took part in those when I was bored af and nothing else was moving on the boards.
  6. Someone messaged me wondering if I could invite him on soundcloud, but I think he deleted his account. I don't remember what is soundcloud name was anyway.. Pretty sure I sent a message to the wrong guy. Oh well the guy I sent the link to seems like he might have a few unevenedges..
  7. There's a Starbucks in your hood.
  8. I left my old hometown and came back then decided to buy a house./ Regrets
  9. Probably not on the first date.
  10. I've got too much shit on my mind to spit in two da six lines, but for you Ill give this stupid shit a try, You Got a tune or mix? I'll rhyme it like some tuna fish on rye or Ludacris and Mike Ive got so much shit to do the list is glued on all the mics my room is too damn quiet though need some music for the mind so soon I think Ill write just to soothe the beast inside.
  11. I rarely remember dreams about sex.. I didn't even read the op I guess. but good sex is like a dream anyway for me because it's hard to recall the details after I think sex usually happens in my dreams along with a a lot of ridiculously crazy shit so it's harder to recall. not sure if it happened along with the dream I just posted or not but recently I did have a dream with two girls getting naked on the couch with me...and there was more, but when I woke up i was desperately tring to remember what their bodies and faces looked like let alone what we did.
  12. I miss having fucked up dreams... well actually now that I think about I've had a few crazy ones recently. I don't know if any of you were tracking on the fact that early this year NASA had put out that a large asteroid might actually be on a direct course for earth...and of course it was made clear they also said there was really no way to be sure if it will enter the atmosphere or something, but there was alot of internet buzz about it. I remember also they were saying for a while if it did hit would be more or less on my birthday. I went to sleep not too long after I heard and I wasn't really freaked out or anything, but I had a dream about it set in this VERY VERY small old west kinda town out in the middle of no where where my grandparents lived. The first thing I remember is the ground shaking and like the craziest echoed explosion sound ever... and I was standing by one of the roads that connects this blip of a town to the highways... and the first thing I saw come into view was a man in a suit running with a briefcase and looking over his shoulder like "oh fuck o fuck o fuck!" After he made it passed me there was a whole stampede of casually dressed (every day people) running and screaming hysterically. The funniest thing was my reaction was kinda just like meh. :|and I just kinda turned the opposite direction while the sky was turning all kinds of fucked up colors and whatever else was going on. It's hard to recall in detail, but apparently my brain was preparing me for impact and I didn't really give a fuck.
  13. Aww it's over. I guess no one else enjoyed Will and Carlton dancing to the song. That was the highlight of my day.
  14. Seriously.. I just googled George Michael and it's probably just before my time. I get the pun now though. WHAMbulance. HAH. -_'
  15. I wouldn't even know where to begin honestly.
  16. sadly I'm not sure who you're referring to.
  17. Y'all jammin'? I'm jammin/ O0
  18. No I've ran out of options. .. but like most things in my life I'm just gonna say fuck it, and hope for the best.
  19. To just let the Fresh Prince R.IP...Awww FUCK IT.
  20. I've been warned not to buy cleanse kits on Amazon by most the people I know that use them. For whatever reason..The last thing I bought on Amazon with 2 day shipping didn't come until like 4 anyway. Same day shipping would probably still not get here on time lol. I can't count on it anway.
  21. Yeah but theres no head shops still open here that contain any worth buying anymore since they got shut down.. There was a big petitiion to get them closed for selling synthetic. I might by one online but then theres the issue of making sure it gets too me on time. I'm still hoping this guy calls me back in the morning to reschedule.
  22. Lol I drank 9 or 10 24 oz cans of beer AT LEAST last weekened prior to taking that home test.
  23. You don't have any tips then? This shit was straight dro and I had GRAMS to myself. I wasn't expecting to fail that cheap ass test but I did.. The control line showed up so the test was supposed to have worked right. Anyway.. I hate lying or making up excuses, but I was NOT COMFORTABLE peeing for a job after failing that test. I've done nothing but drink water and exercise since yesterday. I ran 2 miles.. and spent a bit at the skatepark today. I was definitely sweating.. S:
  24. Duh you just hide behind the trees next to a hot spring and wait. Not as convenient as porn, but worth the wait.
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