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Order of the Lobster
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Everything posted by Vercaties

  1. I phoned in to that once and when I was being screened I pretended I was Mike Lazzo answering a notification on my phone.
  2. The dudes like an eternal or something! He literally doesn't age at all. From watching John Wick 2 the man still got it.
  3. He would make a better Ed then anything 😂
  4. Star Wars has turned to straight garbage lately. I'm still waiting for a Keanu Reeves Cowboy Bebop movie.
  5. I'm not much of a gambler but every holiday my local dog track has 50 cent beer, hotdog, soda, and popcorn day! You bet your tookus I'm there smoking a Black N Mild with an ice cold beverage while my elderly mother pays for all of our beer with her winnings.
  6. How dare they discontinue my repressed childhood!!!
  7. The man with the Beak is back!!✌
  8. Was about to say "Congrats on being debt free!", but then read the rest of your post.
  9. Sick! I donated last time when you guys needed for the update. I really don't mind contributing on a monthly basis to keep this crazy train rolling even though I only peak my head in every now and then.
  10. My man that sounds pretty effing good. I'm actually considering in the future to open up my own ribs and crab spot in Tampa. Maybe throw some lobster in their too. My life would be complete!🙌
  11. Man Preference for womans and racks of ribs.
  12. Hell yeah I do it all the time.
  13. Makes me regret the coming age of digital product.
  14. Nope, I live in Florida where we can have Burning Man year round if we wanted to.
  15. You keep your Salmon Burgers out of this!
  16. Well, whatever you do on your Thanksmas (or Christgiving) I hope you keep its Heathen origins in mind and have lots coitus and drink lots of mead. Skål!
  17. I would just eat bacon and drink Jack all day like a bad Epic Meal Time video in your case
  18. This is a good contender for the Unevenedge Post of the Year Award. It's kind of like the best of Craig's list mixed with the Emmy's. Kudos
  19. To Fuddruckers?
  20. Probably the single most drunkest day of the year for me. Plus my family cooks good shit like pork shoulder and brisket with yellow rice and beans. Literally from noon to midnight all I do is eat smoke and drink with my brother and father. I wanna hear from you social rejects what your Thanksgiving rituals consist of?
  21. Hell yeah, That phone stood up to all sorts of abuse. Plus I looked straight G talking on it.
  22. Vercaties

    I have a PS4 now

    I'm getting one just for LocoRoco2 and Gundam VS
  23. Get a Razor. Best phone ever!!
  24. Gotta come down south to a little grocery chain called Publix. Go to their sub counter and you literally can't go wrong from there.
  25. Getting high off whip cream cans is the way to go!
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