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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Yeah, even though I stopped watching Cartoon Network years ago, I have read some articles and watched YouTube vlogs about her making Cartoon Network worse.
  2. Even though most of what currently airs on Adult Swim's Toonami block doesn't consist of Mecha Anime, have you noticed that most of the Anime on the block happened to be war themed? I noticed this a while ago. The block is very political. That's not including the music videos airing, during Toonami's commercial breaks.
  3. Before the existence of Japanese animation, there were Japanese comic strips. Dating back to the 1920's and '30s, Japan had political cartoons about us, when we made political cartoons about them. During that time, there was World War I and II. Mecha Manga and Anime were always political and still are today.
  4. It's hard to decide. I would have to say both Cartoon Network and Adult Swim were much better BEFORE 2008. Thanks to Stuart Snyder, he ruined both networks after becoming president.
  5. The original will be ending on Encore, soon. In order for SCREAM to get an R-rating rather than an NC-17, they had to delete a few scenes because of the gore. When you really think about it, that was stupid. Casey Becker's (Drew Barrymore) uncut death scene was removed from YouTube. In the uncut version, it showed Ghostface's procedure of hanging Casey in great detail, after stabbing her to death.
  6. Most animals can anyway, especially when they are exotic. I still want a pet Snow Leopard. It will never happen but I can still dream, right?
  7. I always thought baby alligators were so cute. Years ago, a local zoo visited my college campus and I had a chance pet a baby alligator. It was so excited that it wagged its tail like puppy. Meanwhile, a guy friend stood behind me scared shitless. Supposedly, a girl before me went to pet that same baby alligator and nearly attacked her. Chances were great that she had bad pheromones. LOL!
  8. Okay, I'll make sure to console the baby alligators with a nice petting. There-there baby alligators.
  9. The last 2-3 nights, I barely got much sleep from this storm. Chances are highly great that other people barely got any either.
  10. I made it back from my appointment before the storm started again. Other counties were under a Tornado Warning. Meanwhile my county is under a Flash Flood/Storm Watch. It's been storming so much these last few days, that my sinuses are acting up.
  11. Some cities have gotten more than 1 foot of rain. Last week or 2 ago, our local news showed a lady sitting on top of her car, during the middle of a freeway flood.
  12. Yeah, the storms have been crazy. Because there have been so many floods in WI the last 2 weeks in other cities, they told people in flood zones not to use their dishwashers and washing machines to reduce flooding. Luckily, we don't have that problem.
  13. Since it's technically Tuesday, a local meteorologist said that Sunday night's thunderstorm put on a lightning show and he wasn't lying. Right now, the other counties have Flash Flood Warnings. In my town, it's supposed to storm again today when I already have an appointment to go to this afternoon. Hopefully, the storm doesn't cause more highway and freeway floods again.
  14. Since 6 or 7pm, it has been storming non-stop. Normally, my town doesn't get this bad of storms but this thunderstorm is raging. I dread the thought of a basement flood.
  15. I think we have 2 snow blowers but they require more force. It's faster to simply shovel snow than push a humpty dumpty snow blower. That's especially when the snow is soaked in water. We don't always get the light, fluffy snow. I'm already dreading the fall and winter as we post. Anyway, thanks!
  16. They would probably have to do my neck, back, and sides. It's usually my right side that has the most pain, when I am hurting. When I accidentally twist my right side, that's when I'm in excruciating amounts of pain and will be stuck in bed for a whole day.
  17. Some friends suggested going to an acupuncturist because it's supposedly better.
  18. It's amazing what people get away with, especially in WI. In about 3 more hours, I think I will rub on my Lidocaine ointment after taking a shower. It must be applied every 12 hours.
  19. No, the asshole, who rear-ended me and my aunt on the way to work didn't want to pay for an accident, that he caused because he was in a last minute rush to get to his company. Here's the real kicker, he couldn't move before us anyway because everyone was stopped at a 4-lane intersection. Just the thought of it pisses me off. Luckily, the pain is not as horrible as it was 5 years ago.
  20. Yeah, I know that feeling all too well. Originally, I was prescribed a Lidocaine ointment 5 years ago because of whiplash from a car accident. Very rarely do I use it now, however I do have it refilled on occasion.
  21. I would take more Ibuprofen, but I don't feel like taking more pills. If the pain starts feeling worse again, I'll use my Lidocaine ointment that my doctor prescribed.
  22. Whatever
  23. No, I don't take steroids. Why would you ask me that question?
  24. You'll have to be the judge(s) of this. Normally, I lift and individually carry 3 heavy cases of 45-packs water, trash, recycling, and their bins. During the fall, I rake and dump our whole front yard of leaves within ~45 minutes or so. (Even after some trees were cut down last summer, we still have a lot of them). During the winter, I fling and shovel a 4-car driveway of snow ~6 feet high. That's not including having to shovel the side walk and 3 huge bus stops within 60-90 minutes. Within the last few hours to 2 weeks, I shredded 2 ginormous boxes that held a tub and a toilet, 3 sliced chunks of an old, fiber plastic bathtub, and lifted and carried God knows how many bricks to lay down for a backyard patio (take the last part up with my grandmother). Anyway, my body is fucking killing me and I dread having to shred another box with our box cutter. Yes, I'm a 30-something-year-old woman. No, I'm not He-Man and She-Ra, or The Incredible Hulk.
  25. Even though most don't appreciate it, thank you for all the hard work you put into keeping this site running and for dealing with our complaints! Happy Birthday and many more, Pat!🎉🎈🎂🍷

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