You'll have to be the judge(s) of this. Normally, I lift and individually carry 3 heavy cases of 45-packs water, trash, recycling, and their bins.
During the fall, I rake and dump our whole front yard of leaves within ~45 minutes or so. (Even after some trees were cut down last summer, we still have a lot of them).
During the winter, I fling and shovel a 4-car driveway of snow ~6 feet high. That's not including having to shovel the side walk and 3 huge bus stops within 60-90 minutes.
Within the last few hours to 2 weeks, I shredded 2 ginormous boxes that held a tub and a toilet, 3 sliced chunks of an old, fiber plastic bathtub, and lifted and carried God knows how many bricks to lay down for a backyard patio (take the last part up with my grandmother).
Anyway, my body is fucking killing me and I dread having to shred another box with our box cutter. Yes, I'm a 30-something-year-old woman. No, I'm not He-Man and She-Ra, or The Incredible Hulk.