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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. I like Garbage. I was talking about songs by Sarah McLachlan like "I Will Remember You" (which I had to sing with my Choir Class, during our high school graduation) and "Eyes Of An Angel."
  2. Here's another from Enigma. It's more sultry.
  3. This is probably the only Sarah McLachlan song that I actually like and isn't depressing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF53q1Dcyo4
  4. Do The Humpty Hump!
  5. Yesterday I took a look at the calendar and noticed, that the full moon is tomorrow. Get ready, some crazy shit is about to go down in real life and in cyber space.
  6. Before Nicki Minaj ruined this song.
  7. Honestly, this has been the most I have posted in a long time. I barely posted on this site until the last 24 hours or so. Maybe when I have more time later or tomorrow or whenever, I'll try posting in another sub-forum, that's more neutral that other posters don't have problems using. It's pretty much a given that I am a bit of a hot head but I try to go with the flow and have a good time, whenever there is time for it. When some posters aren't purposely being divisive about something or someone, there are those who nit pick a show, movie, something, or someone to death like they think they are the mood killer versions of Siskel & Ebert. That's why I mostly like certain threads by certain posters in Toonami. Then, I'll quickly leave because there are at least 2 posters over there, who will purposely bitch in every thread about every show, while obsessing over cartoon ratings. Who depends on what some critic says about every show and movie? Is it that complicated to think independently? If I like something, I like it. If I don't, I don't. Yes, I will read the reviews but the reviewer doesn't necessarily share other people's views. There's nothing wrong with being critical. Hell, I'm critical but I try being as open-minded as possible. Life isn't always about fun or having fun 24/7 but people should be able to have SOME fun. You know? In this day and age, I would be scared to date again. Besides dealing with someone's great sense of entitlement, so many people are glued to playing games on their phones or uploading their latest selfies to social media for instant likes. That's if they are not politrolling or complaining about how much they hate their lives. It's like almost everyone has gone straight to hell with depression and there is no joy in anything, anymore.
  8. The biggest problem is that nobody wants to really branch out and try socializing with other posters. This is the only community I have ever belonged to over the years where almost nobody likes anything or anyone.
  9. He doesn't have to waste his time being nice to me because he's not exactly someone I'm rushing to talk to on here. It's a win-win for the both of us.
  10. Jimmy crack corn and I don't give 2 flying fat fucks, especially when it comes to you.
  11. If I didn't have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off so much offline, I would post more in this thread. Also, I'm in the middle of working on a Q&A. I guess I will add a few more songs here. The only reason why "The Crabulouse" became more popular during the early 2000's than in 1994 was because of that Sucker Punch movie. For the soundtrack, they released the instrumental version of "The Crabulouse." Gotta appreciate Underworld's "Push Upstairs" for the beat.
  12. If more posters tried using the other sub-forums meant for entertainment on here, they wouldn't be dead.
  13. The glow in the dark skulls add light.
  14. Consider this morbid concept of design a "Gothic Masterpiece."
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if everyone's reading this thread thinking, "That shit's creepy. What the hell is her problem?"
  16. So, imagine this: * brand new shiny, black coffin with white marble as the exterior * quilted, red crush velvet cushioning with glittery, glow in the dark skulls as the interior followed by a juice blanket resembling the pattern of Beetlejuice's suit. How does that sound?
  17. Should I find a blanket, that resembles Robin Thicke's Beetlejuice's suit?
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