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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Actually, you were the one being condescending and rude. Now you want to threaten to share my post on a site like Reddit? Talk about juvenile. And this community wonders why they can't generate new posters? Most people aren't going to stay on a site where the posters need to act like pompous, self-righteous, know-it-alls and nit pick something or someone ad nauseum. I hardly post because this community is unnecessary drama. Anyway, I'm done with this argument.
  2. Some learn Katakana or Kanji before Hiragana and vice versa. It all depends on who is teaching it. Most teachers begin with Hiragana.
  3. Yes, Romaji can be useful much like Furigana. They both help you learn how to read and speak Japanese.
  4. I have seen Furigana used for both in other textbooks and on worksheets for beginners as a reading aid. Also, I took Japanese YEARS before the language became "trendy" here in The U.S. for a bunch of pretentious Weeaboos to sit around and watch Anime. That's besides Japanese student teachers from Japan using me as a T.A. AND having a B.A. in Asian Studies.
  5. Furigana has also been used to learn Hiragana and Katakana.
  6. I can only imagine, since apps are annoying. BTW. Don't waste your time using the book, Japanese: The Spoken Language because it sucks. It's only in Romaji which is the Romanization of Japanese. Now, the workbooks, Japanese: The Written Language are better. Technically speaking, Japanese has 5 different types of writing. Kanji which is Chinese Characters. Kanji is considered Japan's original writing system because they didn't have their own writing system. They borrowed and adapted Chinese Characters as their own. Then, they created Hiragana and Katakana. There's also Furigana, which is used to help people learn how to write the writing systems. So there is Romaji, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Furigana.
  7. Just sent you some recommendations for Japanese books.
  8. https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder896/500x/62464896/dio-brando-jojo-you-expected-a-birthday-wish-but-it-was-i-dio.jpg
  9. Correction. Wayne Static did NOT commit suicide. Every Static-X fan should've already known​ this 3 years ago. Wayne died 3 days before his 49th birthday in his sleep from mixing Oxycodone with alcohol, which led to a drug overdose. His WIFE committed suicide because she was depressed about his death.
  10. You guys bash just about everything. So, there's nothing new about that. Wash, rinse, and repeat. It's what this community does. ASMB's community is all about bashing. When you're not bashing other posters, you're bashing shows. And you people wonder why you can't grow this community. That's all the more reason why ASMB was shut down a half year ago and should stay shut down. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Continue to nit pick and spread the hatred all around this replacement board for what was an already dying community.
  11. Exactly. I have friends that actually enjoy watching Tokyo Ghoul and just about every other site that I post on seem to love the series. There's a difference between real Anime fans and those, who only like shows that fit the Toonami Anime stereotype. Then again, most fans in general know how to enjoy a show without depending on ratings. If all people worried about was a show's ratings, they would never enjoy a show. Toonami fans need to keep in mind that ratings can be rigged. They must have never seen that episode of Peter Griffin stealing everyone's Nielsen's Ratings boxes in town to control what everyone watches on TV.
  12. For those of you who may not be on Twitter, Tokyo Ghoul was trending last weekend. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure was also trending on Facebook last year before it's premiere on Toonami. It's understandable why One Piece fans would be upset about getting the shaft once again, but some of you whine too much. This is coming from a frequent lurker of this board. The constant whining about how you don't like a certain show and the fixation of a show's ratings is more of a turn off to other fans than anything. It makes other viewers not want to watch Toonami because of other fans, that always sulk about not getting their way about something. By the looks of it, Tokyo Ghoul is getting better treatment than Bleach ever got because Adult Swim never aired Shinigami's Cup. You also need to consider the fact that Toonami may be trying to draw in more adult viewers with different types of shows. You're not the only people watching Adult Swim and Toonami.
  13. Honestly, I fail to understand why the Toonami block needs 90 minutes of the Dragon Ball franchise to begin with. That franchise monopolizes the night, when it is already compacted with perennials. Because there are so many perennials, it really would be a lot better to air perennials during the weeknights and air shows with 12-26 episodes on the weekends. Even if it's at least 1 Toonami show from the Dragon Ball franchise airing on weeknights, that would free up a spot on Saturday nights.
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