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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Watching the trailer for this movie made me laugh. Even though Play Misty For Me was directed and released a decade before I was born, I could somewhat relate to Clint Eastwood's character, Dave in his film. I may not have slept with any crazed fans or any of my stalkers from the time of being a Radio Show DJ/Hostess, but the whole experience can be frightening. That's partly why I quit doing radio and fled, years ago. Play Misty For Me is somewhat similar to Fatal Attraction and Misery. The actress who played Eastwood's crazed fan was "fatally attracted" to his character, Dave. Having crazed fans can be some serious business. This is especially when they are following you and in his case, cock blocking and trying to sabotage his career and love life.
  2. Oh okay. Most people usually seem to limit watching Horror to October because of Halloween.
  3. Clint Eastwood's directorial debut, Play Misty For Me is now airing on RetroPlex. I was actually in the middle of watching George Michael's Lonely Life on REELZ, but just changed the channel. Later, I'll have to share a trailer for Eastwood's film. Play Misty For Me seems similar to Stephen King's Misery.
  4. Horror is not limited to only Halloween in October. Horror is all year round and everyday. As someone, who is a Horror fan, writer, and is friends with people who work in the Horror Industry, I never understood why most people limit themselves to only enjoying the genre during Halloween in October. When the Slasher Horror genre was at its pinnacle during the early 1980's, there was a film for every season, holiday, and just for any occasion. After the MPAA, media watchdog groups, Christian zealots, and film critics like Siskel & Ebert started demonizing filmmakers of the Slasher Horror genre, Slashers and the Horror genre as a whole had to send their movies direct to video. Because of the demonization, the Horror genre was close to extinction. That was until SCREAM was released and it supposedly revived Horror in general. I probably sound like a fanatic, but I'm only stating the facts. LOL!
  5. The original Christmas Slasher Horror Film, Black Christmas from 1974 is now airing on The Movie Channel for "Splatterday." I think I will leave it on as background noise, as I work on my own content. Several years ago, I YouTubed Black Christmas. The movie trailer from '74 was more frightening than the actual film. Watching Black Christmas was disappointing and infuriating. Therefore, I guess my skin really was "wrapped on too tight." Olivia Hussey's character lived up to the negative stereotypes of a dumb ass character in Horror films. This is especially when she was the so-called "heroine."
  6. MTV used to love airing this music video, years ago.
  7. It's always best for people to be more well-rounded. This is especially when it comes to music and other forms of entertainment. Even though it may not seem like it to others, I do listen to other music genres and sub-genres besides Metal. It all depends on my mood at the time. If I am really stressed out, I will listen to some Enya for relaxation. Otherwise, there is always Jazz or listening to some kind of calming sounds. Years ago, I bought a CD called Mountain Streams. It was a full hour of listening to a waterfall with flutes playing in the background. It was great to listen to while trying to fall asleep at night.
  8. More than 20 years later, this has to be my favorite song by them.
  9. Yup! In 1991, the music video director, Roman Coppola directed this music video and inserted clips from the movie, Space Adventure Cobra.
  10. I may not sit around watching My Hero Academia, but that superhero character with the blonde hair somewhat reminds me of the Industrial Artwork for KMFDM's music video, "Son Of A Gun." Enjoy!
  11. Matthew Sweet's music video for his song "Girlfriend" is probably the original AMV dating back to the 1990's. MTV used to play it. In fact, "Girlfriend" aired on MTV Classic just the other night.
  12. Just like people can have our own religious views, we can also have our own political views but don't oppress everyone else with them.
  13. The Craft and The Long Kiss Goodnight
  14. That's all the more reason why I stay apolitical.
  15. Also, entertainment as a whole was STILL entertainment.
  16. Ah, sometimes I miss 1994. By that time, I was blowing my allowance on CD's.
  17. The only time I would get a chance to listen to this song years ago was when my family and I used to take road trips to Detroit to visit our relatives.
  18. Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, A Christmas Story, Tales From The Hood, The Shining, The Crow, Supercop, Re-Animator, and Mallrats, are a few more examples.
  19. There are so many from the past, that there are too many to list off the top of my head, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Carrie, Beetlejuice, The Breakfast Club, Death Becomes Her, and Office Space only to name a few. Should I add Atomic Blonde to the list?
  20. Being a child of both the 1980's and '90s, the '90s was the last best decade. Even though there was a lot of angst and some wannabe, "political activists," it wasn't until 2001 that people and entertainment became extremely hypersensitive and divisive. As a Radio Show DJ/Hostess, we had to censor words like "gun" in the early 2000's. Otherwise, we could've been fined for "triggering" someone's PTSD over a school shooting or something. Decades ago, we used to have more diversity in entertainment and were able to laugh without needing to be mean-spirited, or constantly be chastised about political correctness all because someone was "offended." Some comedians have to worry about telling their jokes now, because someone will take offense to something. It makes me think about that old episode of South Park from '97, when the school was doing their Christmas program. We also didn't have the amount of technology and social media sites, that exist today where people sit around trying to be self-righteous, political activists ad nauseam. Ugh! If it's not people in general being politically divisive from both sides, we have parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, who act worse than children. More recently, I try limiting which sites I post on and use online. The constant uploading of selfies, bragging about vacations, proud parents, pet owners, and spouses attention whoring, and political divisiveness ad nauseam is overkill to look at. All that shit is way too much for me to stomach without wanting vomit behind the screen. I need to get up and do something or find something entertaining to watch, listen, and read. Toxicity is the new version of Escapism. Offline, I have enough problems to deal with throughout the day. Dealing with the garbage I mentioned above is enough to drive a sane person crazy, when we already have enough to deal with in the real world. A nice chunk of it is negativity bias.
  21. I just made it back from cleaning and taking a shower without being attacked by any bugs. Woo-hoo! I survived! Nobody could ever say without laughing "She would never hurt a fly" because a few years ago, I literally bitchslapped a fly to its death, while trying to eat dinner in peace. Honestly, I never knew I had that ability until it happened that evening. In our dining room, this fly wouldn't stop buzzing around my head while eating. All it took was a simple swat with the back of my hand and the fly literally flew backward to its death on our floor. Apparently, my backhand swat was so hard, that the fly's wing literally broke in the process. If every bug, insect, and other creepy crawlies could, they would give me the death penalty for killing their families. LMAO!
  22. All this talk about spiders suddenly made a spider crawl from our tub. Damn it, and I was about to be taking a shower in a bit. Now, I have to be on the look out in the shower for more.
  23. From the reviews I read and heard, as well as what friends told me, the spider wasn't featured in the IT remake. Next year, the sequel is supposed to be released. Chances are great I won't be going to see the remake, especially when the filmmakers changed the era in the film.
  24. I just KNEW somebody would post a meme or a gif with a spider in it. I was was counting down by the seconds, that it was coming.
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