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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Exactly. I never saw the remake but I was told by friends that the spider was not in the remake.
  2. Even though I'm a Horror fan, spiders freak me the fuck out especially on TV. Hell, the only time IT scared me was when spiders were hatching and that giant spider at the end, in the original movie from 1990, if memory serves me right. You'll probably get a kick out of this. I will never forget the disturbing dream I had when I was little girl. The description sounds hilarious but being inside that dream was disturbing. In the dream, I was being attacked by someone wearing a spider costume. It was supposed to be me in an old-fashion Horror film.
  3. As long as it's not a poisonous snake, I like them. Otherwise, no. Technically speaking, spiders are considered Arachnids. Me no likey. In fact, I never made it through watching those commercials for the movie Arachnopobia years ago. LOL!
  4. When it comes to bugs and insects, I don't do the whole nature, live and let live thing. This is especially when they are poisonous.
  5. Bugs, especially spiders are no friends of mine. Even though I am an arachnophobic, I'm not that scared to kill a spider whether it's by beating them down with a broom or a vacuum cleaner with a hose on it.
  6. Turn on scalding, hot water and it will be killed instantly. In the past, I've done it at once and the problem was solved.
  7. After spending countless hours contacting book publishers, I am giving myself a mental break. I don't think "Horror Flicks & Chill" would necessarily be the appropriate words for my situation. It would probably be much better to say, that I am treating myself to a mental break by eating my own version of Pie ร  la Mode or a Blizzard? (Sweet Potato Pie crushed in a bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream). All the while, watching another retro film. In this case, it's eating dessert, while watching Ghoulies. Anyway, carry on!
  8. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‚
  9. Of course. Hell, I got a pair of Fetish Goth Boots, that some of my friends have labeled "The Kinky Boots." No, I'm not submissive.
  10. He was scheduled to perform at the Rave in my hometown in 2 more months.
  11. A few minutes ago, I just heard on my local news. Shocking and sad.
  12. Yeah, maybe when I was younger or happen to be in a good or semi-decent and forgiving mood. Otherwise, NO. Years ago, I turned down a free drink at a local bar during my 10-year-old high school reunion. An asshole, who treated me like shit from 6 to 12th grade, expected me to accept a free drink from him. HA! He's lucky that I didn't accept his drink only to throw it into his eyes. As an adult, I don't have the time, energy, and patience to deal with assholes, their betrayal, and their backstabbing, high school bullshit. I try my hardest not to be fake; If I don't like somebody, I try my hardest not to be associated with them. In fact, I do keep a mental shit list. Therefore, if someone DOES happen to see me be nice to someone I can't stand, I must be in a good or semi-decent mood at the moment. While writing a story years ago, I thought of the shittiest classmates from my youth and made them meet their maker in that story. All those, who labeled me a Devil Worshiper, a Witch, and so on should be glad I don't keep my own handy stash of Voodoo Dolls somewhere. Instead, I wait for them to receive their future comeuppance.
  13. Earlier, I forgot to mention that I kept spacing out. Magic was SO boring that my mind mentally fell asleep. I think I also dosed off for ~1 minute, while watching Magic. In addition, Ann Margret and Anthony Hopkins' sex scene was boring even with his creepy ventriloquist doll, Fats sitting on the couch only feet away from the bedroom. HOW CAN WATCHING SEX BE SO BORING?! Then again, I take that last part back. Watching Michael Douglas and Glenn Close's sex scene in Fatal Attraction was boring, so there's that. So... if you dare to watch this highly misleading and disappointing Horror film, you will be happy or not so happy to know that you can watch Magic in its entirety for free on YouTube.
  14. More than an hour ago, I finished watching the 1978 Horror film, Magic. For the last 30 years, I have been told that the movie was scary. Hell, my mother wouldn't buy me a ventriloquist doll when I was little girl because 1 of my aunts was traumatized by Magic's commercials, decades ago. After watching Magic last night (since it is technically morning now), I am highly disappointed. When you watch the trailer for the film, you expect it to be scary like the Child's Play franchise. Nope! Not even close to Charles Lee Ray being caught in a doll's body and on a killing spree. If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, imagine Norman Bates using a ventriloquist dummy as a vessel for his split personality. That's ALL Magic is. Had I been alive to see this movie in the theaters 40 years ago, I would've demanded my money back!
  15. So far, IFC is still uncensored, which is surprising. I fail to see why Sundance and IFC are showing commercials now, anyway. I thought they were both premium channels like HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Starz, Encore, etc. The only positive about IFC and Sundance having commercial breaks would be that we get bathroom breaks, and when you're constantly busy offline like yours truly, you have a chance to quickly do something.
  16. While watching SCREAM last week, it completely slipped my mind that 8/30/18 was the 3rd anniversary of Wes Craven's death from Brain Cancer. 2015 was a shitty year for Wes Craven, his family, friends, fans, etc. https://www.ihorror.com/3-years-ago-wes-craven-left-world/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=latest_horror_genre_news&utm_term=2018-08-30 Wes Craven's birthday was on August 2nd and he died within the same month (his birthday month) in 2015. Watching his films and shows were always personal treats for yours truly. I will never forget sitting on the living room floor in front of our TV, during the late '80s as a little girl and watching Freddy's Nightmares on Saturday evenings (I believe it aired at 7 pm). Yes, I watched Freddy's Nightmares, which featured Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare On Elm Street. Freddy's Nightmares was a lot like Tales From The Crypt except it was a Horror Anthology, that premiered 1 year before Steven Dodd's Tales From The Crypt. A few years ago, I was surprised to learn that there was actually a talking Freddy Krueger doll meant for kids 8 years old and older! It's amazing what you learn! Anyway, I just thought I would share this news in this sub-forum. RIP Wes Craven! Pleasant Dreams!
  17. Yes, I know. Good observation.
  18. Happy Birthday! Hopefully, you enjoyed your day!
  19. Surprisingly, IFC did NOT cut the scene where Ben Stiller's character got his "Frank & Beans" caught. LMAO!
  20. Even though it is NOT a Horror film, IFC is airing There's Something About Mary right now.
  21. Over 2 hours ago, I finished watching Stir Of Echoes. I haven't watched that movie in years. It's hard to believe that next September will be 20 years, since the time it was released. Wow! Where has the time gone?! Stir Of Echoes is based on the novel of the same name. Meanwhile, The Amityville Horror is airing right now. The film is based on the novel of same name also. However, The Amityville Horror IS a Real Life Horror Story from the 1970's. Those former home owners, who actually lived in the house, HEAVILY supervised the author of the novel because they did not want any exaggerations documented in The Amityville Horror novel. After reading the summaries about those incidents and watching The Amityville Horror from 1979, it should make house hunters think twice about buying a house for a good bargain. BTW: RIP Margot Kidder!
  22. Never in all my years have I ever watched Student Bodies, until now on Encore Suspense. It's mostly a spoof off Horror and Slasher Horror films such as When A Stranger Calls, Friday The 13th, Black Christmas, Prom Night, Halloween, Carrie, The Shining, etc. Within the first 5 minutes, I started laughing.
  23. Well, more than 30 years, Japan did have "The Otaku Panic." A Japanese serial killer, necrophile, pedophile, and cannibal hoarded thousands of Slasher and Hentai videotapes consisting of child porn in his bungalow, if memory serves me right. He also raped and killed a 7-year-old girl and some other victims. Because of him, Anime fans have been stigmatized. Being considered an "Otaku" has always been a negative label in Japan, since the late '80s. Also, because of that incident, "The Otaku Panic" became a disparaging label for anyone, who was an Anime and Manga fan. Anyway, that scumbag was hung literally 10 years ago.
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