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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. BAKLAVA DAIFUKU MOCHI Makes one dozen mochi-riffic morsels. You will need for the syrupy drizzle: 2 cups sugar 1 cup honey And 1 and a half cups water For the Daifuku filling: 12oz assorted nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans and/or pistachios), crushed 1/2 stick melted butter 1 Tbs. Cinnamon 1/4 cup sugar Mochi requires: 1 cup Mochiko sweet rice flour 3/4 cup water 2 cups sugar As well as cornstarch for dusting And frozen pre-baked fillo dough cups to crumble on top of the completed mochi. Step 1: Mix all the syrup ingredients together in a saucepan all the while bringing to a boil, stirring frequently until the honey and sugar dissolve into the water completely. Then reduce heat to medium-high so the mixture can caramelize and thicken. Step 2: in a mixing bowl combine the filling ingredients and stir thoroughly, set filling aside. Step 3: in a heat-resistant glass vessel, stir Mochiko and water until smooth. Place the bowl in a steamer and steam for 20 minutes. Step 4: preheat oven to 350°F (177°C) and proceed to bake fillo cups for 6 minutes. Step 5: once mochi is steamed, transfer it to a medium saucepan and melt into it, 2/3 cup sugar. Once that is done repeat two more times with 2/3 cup sugar each time. Step 6: dust your hands and work space liberally with cornstarch so that the mochi will not stick (and it is extremely sticky). Proceed to roll out mochi and divide it into 12 equal segments. Step 7: Roll each segment flat, place a small amount of the filling in the center, pinch the ends of the Mochi Closed and roll the creases away. Step 8: drizzle two ladle-fulls of syrup onto all of the mochi then crumble the fillo cups on top. Serve and enjoy.
  2. Tacos
  3. Yes! I get to stay because of my freakishly massive head.
  4. You would love the Foxtrot herbal blend from Adagio.com
  5. Neither am I, however, whomever was involved in the making of that video needs condemnation rained upon their heads.
  6. IDK, maybe?
  7. I believe the time of death was the moment "Cum Omelet" was posted to PornHub.
  8. What if....... GOD was one of us?
  9. So, basically, what you're saying is that there are no sales or specials on this item?
  10. http://indeed.com
  11. As do I. Kukicha is a good one too, though I prefer various black tea from China. Some of these include Keemun and Lapsang Souchong.
  12. My granddad fought Nazis in WWII so you would have the dignity of choice to listen to or not listen to the national anthem. It would be wrong if it were mandatory. Carry on.
  13. I prefer Arugala and Radicchio, myself.
  14. Like I get more Assam than British royalty
  15. DON'T LOOK! You'll die.
  16. I would like to get married someday.... I don't ever see that happening though.
  17. I don't love myself either. Basically I'm just a distant acquaintance who gives me a hand job when I really need it.
  18. ***Leaves the thread forever***
  19. Gotta love the rock cover of "What Would Bryan Boitano Do?"
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