And NO, I don't mean mixing soup into a batter and making a savory shit ass funnel cake. I'm talking soup tempura style! The following in a rough idea for a potential recipe. If anything goes wrong if you try to actually make it, that's not my responsibility, but if you do make it and it's tasty AF just like send some positive feedback my way.
You will need:
1.) homemade soup of your choice; preferably one without a lot of large hunky food stuffs like meat and veggies, bisque and/or chowder are ideal
2.) Gelatin
3.) Tempura batter (recipe is at the end of this post)
4.) Peanut oil for frying
First bring soup to a boil, and stir in gelatin. Stir until gelatin is dissolved and take off of heat, allow to cool Pour soup mixture into a relative heat resistant ice cube tray(s), cover with saran wrap, and allow to cool and congeal in the fridge for 2 hours.
Once the soup is gelatinous, move it to the freezer for one hour
Next preheat oil to 375 Degrees Fahrenheit, and prepare he tempura batter.
Finally, batter the soup cubes 3 to 4 at a time and deep fry for only a few seconds; until the frozen soup becomes a viscous liquid and the batter becomes crispy and golden brown.