Satan's a hoe and a punk ass. If I removed my "mask" the saints would fall crippled and the fallen would beg the Lord God for asylum. Not one life would be spared from my cold, logical, calculated Mass Extinction of Humanity (MEH), because honestly IDGAF about the sanctity of life, nor the beauty and majesty of nature. My life, your life, all lives are a symphony of bellyaching and autistic screeching. It's quite maddening. No human being is entitled to life because no human does anything worth while with that "gift". The 'Alt-right', the WBC, Donald Trump, ISIS, Hillary Clinton, that stupid twat, Bob, etc. All are a pox on the Earth. Now there people I love and cherish, but like all humans, they struggle, fail, feel sadness, grief, hardship and loss; and the kills me. All this farce could end if everybody stopped and died. Forsake all hope because there is no salvation in this life.