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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Sounds much better than the bs movies that are currently coming out now I'd watch it
  2. Long black hair... ITS ME! I LOVE WINE! I'LL STAY
  3. Oh, that works
  4. All over the poor kids faces. Thats scary
  5. I do >.> But mainly their bitchy looking face :D
  6. Waiting for a Mega Inuyasha
  7. Glad you pointed some of that out. I was about to go subbed. But I'll go ahead and watch the dubbed version of it. I think I will enjoy it
  8. I've always thought her bitchy face looked hot
  9. Sooo, it looks pretty damn good then huh
  10. I laughed a bit too much at that one
  11. It starts far too much shit
  13. I think I just gave my first
  14. No baby, staaaaaay
  15. Tell corporate to suck a big oll' donkey dick
  16. A super duper gay fun filled butt party
  17. That shit's gotta suck
  18. You have my utmost gratitude
  19. I had an experience like that at my last warehouse position. But I smashed it on a wall with a forklift lol Just hit the side. Stuff hurts like a bitch
  20. Oh baby owo
  21. Alrighty ~.^
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