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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Kill and eat their body? I call it the Dahmer position
  2. Forgot one. I like being humiliated and then forced to do sexual things
  3. That is awesome I love this thread
  4. That's cool too though
  5. Everyone should just come out with it. Who are we to judge Everyone in here has some crazy ass fetishes I'm sure
  6. In which way is "mine"?
  7. ~Slaps face with tail~ "WHO'S YOUR KING! WHO!?"
  8. Yeah. Until I update more :D I think Im missing a couple
  9. A fetish is what you like other than just "sex" soooooo Bondage Full body lickdowns Oral Ass play/licking Eating pussy Blowjobs Rimjobs Traps Footjobs/Feet worship Candle wax Foreplay Roleplay Biting, scratching, clawing Blood play Anal(Me or her/him) Roleplaying Rape(Obviously your partner has to be into it) I'm sure I missed a few. Will update when I remember or if i dont feel too lazy
  10. Ikr :D Here in the next few days it will go up, and friday will be a high of 73. This crazy weather
  11. That isnt far too bad Schools and some local areas are closed cause we have some flurries and ice We freak out over light snow or icy weather here
  12. Watch your mouth Nah not really. Ya bad mothafucka
  13. I know that feeling all to well
  14. That sounds fun
  15. We just got some ice and flurries. Here in Alabama, we barely get any snow ever
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