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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. ~Pats shoulders~ It's only a bad thing if you think it's a bad thing
  2. Me either really. I just work and come home
  3. Good. Stay o_o
  4. Goootchaaaaa
  5. Pretty legit name for this place
  6. That just means they're healthy obviously :v
  7. Yeeees. I'll try to stay this time around .-. I tend to get distracted and busy sometimes though lol
  8. I think of this song o_o
  9. BUT YOU ALWAYS LOOK GOOD!! Yeah just tell yourself that. I seem to maintain myself in a neutral manner. Kinda just ride the fence when it comes to self esteem and whatnot
  10. Watch it. It's great. I'm all caught up in subs. But with DBZ I have always preferred the English translations(Which is rare for me)
  11. You know it's the best mashup ever
  12. Tbh. I love traps. I find them very attractive. No bs
  13. I shall be recognized as Lord and Ruler of all
  14. It's funny how this thread will actually go, yet tbh, there are probably a bit of people here who could actually date each other and have a great time :D
  15. Well said, and nice to see you again Hunter. Hope you are doing well.
  16. Plenty of drugs in those pool halls >.>
  17. Yeah you got a point there
  18. Those 8 better be worth it.
  19. Just 8? That sucks. What a low amount
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