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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. What you're describing can usually be caused by a good bit of anxiety
  2. Fuck McDonalds
  3. It's back to the infamous Naraku thread
  4. Yeah, but social media has already kinda ruined it for me, so Idk if I should watch it or not
  5. Still yet to see it
  6. In that case, just watch Unfriended: Dark Web
  7. That always helps
  8. Until I disappear for who knows long after a short period of time But how is everyone doing?
  9. Yup. It's about time to. I was becoming a very curious individual
  10. I thought ep 15 wasn’t half bad tbh. I don’t have complaints really. I’m still enjoying the series a lot.
  11. Hopefully so. But either way, I’m enjoying it a lot
  12. eBay. Now usually cheaper than amazon, and unlike amazon, you can get fast and free shipping on a good bit of items. Amazon requires prime for that, and now they’ve added more shipping cost on top of tax. So screw amazon
  13. Well, there was a lot of drama in it. I didn't realize the Klaxosaur stuff much. I'm going to re-watch the episode and see if I can't find more details on it. I'm unsure of what's going on with the kids, klaxosaurs, or hybrid stuff. It might be a little too early to draw any conclusions right now, but everyone can have theories of course. But doing something like that to children would be pretty messed up. Hmmm. Time to re watch it now.
  14. Damn. That's all I got m8
  15. Interesting haha. Looks like next week will surely be entertaining as well
  16. All. Of. This! ^^^^^^^
  17. Jimi is pretty good. Also, listen to Joe Satriani
  18. I used to live in a basement like that a while back. I miss it. I want it again
  19. Get an online job and never leave your place except for grocery runs
  20. You have snow while we have tornado threats
  21. I miss my basement. I practically lived in one. Which I love
  22. Bunker. Live there forever. Underground
  23. Friday the 13th always seems to be my lucky days tbh
  24. I really can't wait for episode 3. I like how this is going, soundtrack and all. It has some champloo and redline vibes at times, but that is nothing bad at all. I laughed when he said that he wanted his boxing name to be Joe. But for a junk dog, it does fit him. But again, that SOUNDTRACK. I freaking love it. And the action is great too. I want to see him fight his way to the top. I want the next episode out already. Normally I give no shits about sports, but this... this I love.
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