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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Man, what a terrible second episode. Like, that was worse than the first, but somehow I think I liked it more for really pushing the boundaries on how bad it can get and how quickly it could do so. My favorite part was toward the end with the football game where you find out halfway through the scene that it's supposed to be raining because someone with an umbrella says it's raining even though it isn't.
  2. trump ruin contry wow ok . thank obama
  3. When are you going to make me a Mod?
  4. I'm a heartless monster. Grave of the Fireflies, 6/10. Had some very good scenes, but the intended message ultimately was the damning factor. I do understand the point to be anti-pride, but there wasn't much in the way of conflict between pride/no pride, and the end result was largely frustration with Seita rather than sympathy. There's a line where pride stops being pride and becomes stupidity, and after crossing that line it becomes very hard to empathize with Seita, especially when he's consistently taking the wrong path. The major detriment isn't that he makes mistakes, but because there's no good argument made for why he's making the choices he does beyond an overtly vague "pride". Because we aren't given enough breathing room to look at how he became so prideful nor even posing reasonable justification for his behaviour, the message ultimately fell flat for me and left me wanting to punch him more than anything. That isn't to say his actions were unrealistic, I can believe a person his age might act that way. More specifically, I had a problem with the narrative construct of Point A to Point B. There wasn't enough connective tissue vetween one action to the next. All that aside, I did feel sympathy for Setsuko and many scenes were absolutely heartfelt. Despite Seita's poor execution, it did manage to well up some solid emotion. So I can't call the movie bad as much as underwhelming and not quite up to task with what I hoped for. Update: On further investigation, I like Seita less. I looked into how the author created Seita and found that it was largely an apology to his real sister who died under basically the same circunstances, him being essentially Seita. I knew all that, but what I discovered is that Seita is also a combination of how he acted with fantasies of how he wished he acted implanted, namely that in the film Seita would bring his sister food but in reality he had scavanged for food but impulsively ate it instead of sharing, and immediately felt remorse and eventually resulting in his survival and the death of his sister. Making that kind of change isn't necessarily an inherently bad thing, but that's a very shitty way of apologizing. The character representing his bad choices gets sugarcoated to being a better person amidst an apology for sacrificing his sister to survive. That's bullshit.
  5. Things able to kill Zeni's flair/charm: mthor A light gust of wind OKC Zeni
  6. This post will always be hilariously truthful.
  7. To be fair, all the characters are literally awful.
  8. Why aren't I on the list and how do I get there?
  9. naraku360


    Because we had terrible taste in SNs 10 years ago and now it's just easier to go by the established username.
  10. More like worm apple pie. Disgusting.
  11. Not sure about special, as it isn't as bad as your Manos: The Hands of Fates or The Rooms, but the dialogue and delivery are impressively bad.
  12. fuggpop[/member] don't leave us hanging, give us the coverted g-string full-body shot.
  13. Shot on a very, very wide lens, eh?
  14. You had to be drunk?
  15. It is a train wreck. I'll keep torrenting it, though, because I need more trainwreck shows. I had fun with this kind of terrible.
  16. Zeni, stop it. Stop.
  17. 2017 Anne Frank.
  18. Yeah, you can hardly get white trash to fuck you, and that's only because they're desperate and it's free. No way in hell are people gonna spend money to stick it in a 60 year old blue waffle.
  19. *ahem* I-if Serge were a sausage.... He'd be, um... he'd be the wurst. O0
  20. bigdick[/member]'s
  21. Oh certainly. It's Twin Peaks with HTGAWM writing, but the HTGAWM comparison was completely valid. The shows are both equally tacky and poorly handled. Twin Peaks was an intuitive inspiration in nearly every respect, they even copied the road sign down to the design. I absolutely didn't think the episode was 'good', it was an entertaining bad at best. Any time it crossed my mind that it might be better than HTGAWM from a quality standpoint, it would immediately do something amazingly stupid that I'm sure was intended to be serious. The plot twists weren't as fun as HTGAWM, but it made up for it with unintentionally funny drama.
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