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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Stop it, Zeni.
  2. This was the perfect amount of awful. I'm not sure I can handle continuing with HTGAWM given the episodes I've seen of season 3 weren't just bad nonsense, but kinda boring at the same time. This might be the perfect replacement. Specifically, this was kind of a trainwreck of an episode. Conflicts seemed to hit their peaks within the season premiere of all things and that's without mentioning how melodramatic or silly the bulk of them were, virtually every interaction was either hammy or forced, the dialogue was largely cringe-inducing, and entire scenes would amount to being laughably stupid (especially the ones involving the teacher or the ones with Betsy's mom). It did have some nice cinematography, though. Nothing incredible, but it was generally nice to look at. That's about the best I've got for a compliment without backhandedness is concerned. Overall, I did enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed the first couple seasons of HTGAWM, being the awful yet fun to watch variety.
  3. Wow, what kind of loser spends 12 years on a shitty message board?
  4. naraku360


  5. That's how Jingai makes his transformation into her.
  6. Don't be such a party pooh-er. Also, happy birthday.
  7. I hope the 3rd installment is My My Man. Starting this guy:
  8. You are the most beautiful bigdick[/member] in the world.
  9. No, that was totz a direct quote.
  10. "Why'd he pick dumb wife over me? Boo-hoo!" -fuggs
  11. Military. Hottie. You whined about being abandoned by Military Hottie in favor of his wife all the time. Didn't you even try to break them up by telling her?
  12. I usually don't. Just find new things or people to occupy my time until whomever loses all relevance to me. Hopefully learned something from them.
  13. I was going to make a joke about fuggs being your only patient, but it's you so the yeast infection wouldn't be as much a detriment, rather a bonus.
  14. Delibird
  15. That..... Looks just bad enough to watch....
  16. I can't tell if you're serious about only making $40 a week.
  17. Eternal Darkness and Baten Kaitos.
  18. That's very clearly not what I was referring to. You said a valid complaint was that it "takes its sweet-ass time," but you didn't really watch the show before complaining about it. You watched at most an episode or 2, complained that the characters not developing fast enough, and got confused about which character was the protagonist. As I said, zero credibility.
  19. Pen-Pen.
  20. That's a lame rule.
  21. How would you know? You watched 1 episode and couldn't figure out which character was the protagonist. You have zero credibility. Not to mention, there isn't a single show in existence you like.
  22. Like, right after turning 24. I was awkward for the whole thing. It was pretty weird, I couldn't feel it for the first 2 times and the 3rd/4th the sensation was pretty weak but got stronger. Speaking of sex, though, ever fingerbang a girl so well when you took it out, it's all like ? That was more recent. Good times.
  23. ghost just needs to visit Boo. He's already the closest to winning, just gotta take the dive.
  24. He banned you and didn't want you to find out.
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