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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Yo, get back in here, ghostrek[/member]. Did you hook up with Boo, yet?
  2. You are really white supremacisty though.
  3. I guess we were bound to hit one I cared about. Haven't seen him in much but Albert was amazing.
  4. That's more or less what I've come up with. Seems largely a Japanese thing, so I'm hoping there might be an obscure weeb term for it.
  5. Nah, those videos were hilarious before this thread. I just don't know what to look up to find more of them and Panda is the kinda guy that might. He knows more weird porn terms than I do.
  6. At least 20 years older than you.
  7. Panda_Kabob[/member] I've seen random porn of this sort of thing and it's almost always amazing, but no idea what that "genre" would even be called. Do you know of an actual name of phrase for it? >.>
  8. This was an amazing story.
  9. Actually, leave DP hidden and don't revive any threads from it. It's where it belongs. O0
  10. Ben admitted last night that he was using his "it gets dark therefore good" argument against people that never said that. I never claimed it gets good because it gets dark. Does it get dark? Absolutely. Are some of the dark scenes among the best in the show? Yeah, I'd say so. Are they good purely because they're dark? No. Ben uses t as a strawman to distract from his intellectual dishonesty, but ironically draws attention to it in the process.
  11. It gets pretty morbid. Not sure I'd call it scarring, unless your nephew is fairly young. But in Japan it started in s children's timeslot, then later on had to be switched to a midnight slot out of content concerns. But no, Toonami isn't quite at the heavier stuff yet.
  12. No.
  13. Snowed and everything shut down for a week and now it's raining onto the snow.
  14. Nah, not into guys. Though, Zeni does have some big old titties, so who knows?
  15. DJ Sona[/member], take one for the team. We know you want to.
  16. Hope your butthole gets better soon.
  17. I've been pretty lazy about even really playing it lately. The goals are kinda demoralizingly high.
  18. It's best experienced, not described. You should check it out.
  19. Shut up, GSN.
  20. Last night I was hanging with some friends and bigdick[/member] drops this into the Discord while I'm reading it and right before a friend looked over my shoulder: Good times.
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