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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Why would anyone want to go to a completely dead club? Super lame, dude.
  2. Admin[/member] when do I get to be a mod?
  3. The mass confusion of literally nobody being confused.
  4. Why are you here and not putting your giant shlong in CutieQuesadilla[/member]'s vagina?
  5. naraku360


    Dear Admin[/member], Why you gotta be a doucheface? Sincerely, Everyone
  6. Shut up, worstraku.
  7. Just when you thought Chuck didn't really have enough screentime to get worse he finds a way to prove you wrong.
  8. I tried Salvia the other day. It felt like I was being pulled out of the universe and my friends got caught in a time loop trying to pull me back, but each time the same moment repeated and overtook the previous iteration it was like I shrunk a little until I disappeared completely. Apparently, I stood there for 5 minutes shouting, "What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?" Good times.
  9. [youtube autoplay=1]
  10. Are those like the chopped nuts you get any time you attempt to talk to the opposite sex? ::]::
  11. I was going to guess dick, but fiery :poop: is an acceptable answer.
  12. Yeah, she's muh waifu, so I suspect she's irl awesome. owo I'm planning to make a trip to NY eventually. I'm pretty close to my savings goal, but schoolwork is hitting too hard atm. Probably gonna have to wait until after graduation in a few months.
  13. I like the part where she showed us the whiny bitch boy PMs he sent her, though.
  14. Right after getting stomped by PTA. >
  15. [youtube autoplay=1]
  16. Dude, he had an emotional breakdown over it for the entire next day. We practically had to talk bitch boy-gundam out of a suicidal tantrum. Distortedreasoning[/member]
  17. It's really not PTA's fault you're such a bitch boy that getting called out scared you off. Zenigundam[/member]
  18. Well, now I'm jelly. I've seen pictures of her without a covered face on IG and FB, but haven't met in person. ::HMM:: It's gonna hapoen. Just not as soon as I hoped.
  19. Not sure why you're bragging about the accomplishments of some chick we've never met, but... uh, *waves at other chick* congrats, I guess.
  20. I can confirm that she is very hot.
  21. I didn't know, or care, that this was a thing. Thanks for informing me of something I will continue to not care about until I completely forget about it in the near future.
  22. "Fate of the Furious" would be a great title for a film about Cucket contemplating the accumulative failure of his life.
  23. 1. bigdick[/member] 2. bigdick[/member] 3. bigdick[/member] 4. bigdick[/member] 5. Tie: bigdick[/member] / naraku360[/member]
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