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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Mini_Ghost walks into a bathroom....
  2. You always smell strange.
  3. Nobody denied that North Korea wants to be controlling South. That doesn't change that the South defected from North a long time ago and isn't considered a part of North Korea by any part of the world outside North Korea.
  4. "Hey, would you consider having sex on the first date?"
  5. I want to own a million dollars. Does that mean I own a million dollars on virtue of wanting to? What a fatty McManchild like Un wants or believes means fuck-all to the reality of the situation.
  6. You realize the fact that they have different names, whether or not they're officially inclusive of "north" or "South" means that there is no officially unified "Korea". Because of this, when discussing "Korea" it only makes sense to specify WHICH Korea you're talking about. You know, because there's 2 Koreas. It doesn't matter if you call them "North" or "South", or if you refer to them by the official names. They simply aren't one, singular, nation.
  7. Desperate white trash. You can't live without the bottom of the barrel, can't find any other pussy cheap enough-tier cock. My fwb isn't the same race as me. Not completely, at least.
  8. And you won't survive without a constant stream of desperate white trash dicks to eat.
  9. Try reflecting on your life. You might be able to cry off 1,215 calories.
  10. I get the feeling Jimmy was at least partially responsible for Chuck's wife leaving. It's the only thing I can think of that would make Chuck this awful. At least it would be something to make him potentially relatable again. Not that what we got was enough to justify his hatred of Jimmy, but it was enough to understand where he's coming from. Now he's really just punishing Jimmy for fucking him over once after he fucked Jimmy over for years. It feels like there has to be more to it than what we've been shown. Or at least I hope it is.
  11. Literally no one still uses LiveJournal.
  12. What were you doing in a Victoria's Secret, Phillies? I don't think they make underwear big enough for fuggs.
  13. You've truly enlightened me with your deep insight. Please, say more. ::]::
  14. Fappy birthday, ghostrek[/member]. :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:
  15. Once I woke up with my arm behind my back and both the wrist and elbow out of their sockets. That was weird.
  16. Bro, you should spend your birthday in CutieQuesadilla[/member]'s vagina.
  17. That tends to happen to women of your age.
  18. 1/10, would chuck.
  19. I'm irresistible.
  20. Savage.
  21. Yeah, you are an obnoxious pussy.
  22. It would take years?
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