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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. You blocked Phillies?!
  2. So, the clear innuendo here is that you get off to eating shit. whut
  3. She is dating a guy with no penis.
  4. These are all odd names to call Zeni.
  5. [youtube autoplay=1]
  6. I'm fine with whores. I just don't respect fuggs.
  7. That's.... Extremely racist.
  8. Flubba dub dub Chubby fuggs in a tub Won't get clean when she scrub With Phillies' tiny chub
  9. Why do you hate black people, fuggs?
  10. biggestloser.net/explosive-enemas
  11. Are they hot, though? If so, where do I sign up?
  12. Is that why this site is trash?
  13. Your pickle yearns for Rogue's jar, if you catch my drift.
  14. You sent it to me, right?
  15. I don't smoke. But some of those edibles are pretty great. I keep getting them for free 'cause I go to some friends house and they're like, "Take these." Like, okay. If you insist.
  16. I was was going to say, "On this day in history, Jingai made a terribke thread" but this was made yesterday. So....
  17. Wow! Nobody cares! Shut the fuck up, Packard!
  18. Up the fuck shut, Packard.
  19. Given the choice of parachuting with fuggpop[/member]'s panties or nothing, the thought of having to touch them just to save myself would be enough to YOLO 360 no chute.
  20. Dude, not in public. owo
  21. Probably. We're stuck with Packard, Zeni, and Tic. Can't get much worse.
  22. I nominate the time Tic was too dumb to figure out how to use Giphy several days later.
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